GoToo — Nigerian Abagnale

Rangarajan L
2 min readFeb 12, 2023


Can’t believe that — don’t you deserve to be loved, can’t believe anyone doesn’t!

These kind words resonated deeply in Susan’s mind. She desperately urged to talk to a friend, someone who could follow along with her thoughts, differ in the slightest, yet nudge her to open her perspectives, her biases and more importantly her deepest perennial fears.

It all began with a Facebook connection request apparently from an unknown “Abedayo Mayali “

To give strength, to inspire, to celebrate Life and Love, to embrace hatred in all its forms

This was the profile catch line. “To embrace hatred in all its forms ?”— this was enough to capture Susan’s interest — she wanted to know more, she had taken the bait.

As she was in the lobby of the ophthalmologist’s, she saw this on the scrolling news ticker on the 48” LCD screen on the daily news.

Coming up next: Millions of people donate to gofundme but how do you know your money goes to genuine cases , how do you filter the criminals?

Can’t simply understand that phrase from fried green tomatoes — “Assertive Southern women “— what is it about southern women that do not make them assertive? Susan chuckled as she rekindled the conversation and the inquisite Abe as she now fondly called him , while she waited on the ophthalmologist’s bench.

Deep in the ebb of smoke — “I’m gonna get you — you better watch your mouth there; I’m going to hit my first 10”, like so — scamming an old lady from a senior living community — “u think that will work to anything” ? Jaja grinned as these lines from Captain Philip echoed his head as he took another shot on the pool table.

“What am I ? Do I look like a beggar ?”

Combination of intuition and data mining skills my friend — where does she live ? What kind of food does she like , where does she shop for tea — it’s a complex series of associations ; you thought I was a run of the mill mass scammer. Ever heard of game theory — thats why you need to goto college!

I’m Abagnale — “Abedayo Abagnale” — the top cat, you ever seen “catch me if you can”?
Jaja — Yea heard that a million times from you man, they are closing in on the tracks and you better watch out, the sharks are already in hiding. You might lose a lot more than you make here.

Back in Jacksonville , another notification pops up on Sandy’s watch.

instance camouflage score: -15325679

