Where there’s a haystack — there’s a needle!

Rangarajan L
2 min readMar 5, 2023


Its well into march now and I keep engaging with the bot through trivial replies, which hardly have any impact on the response score.
To the point where in my replies degrade to trivial nonsensical replies.
Tuning my NLP models for the replies served very little purpose.
In a general sense I did realize that the responses corresponded to markers on a standard deviation line; the mean score being the most accurate; but the tricky part being the sample set changing all the time.

Some of my sample nonsensical replies:

reply : Hey Siri — turn on the coffee pod”
Response score — -6σ

reply: Hey Siri — play the latest episode of “back to work”
Response score- -8σ

Meanwhile turns’ out that this bot has become some sort of a modern day legend in itself.

Apart from email replies — there has been a lot of contention on reddit; I have in particular picked up a rift with some shinycoins — who firmly argues that this bot will spawn on to the next big crypto coin;

For some reason , there is a dab of superficial kindness in his last reply -
“Hey don’t forget to join the phisy crypto channel for a free giveaway of efforce “ — the crypto recently launched by Wozniak.

Was supposed to pick up some vintage magnetic media for one of my Uncles who was now suffering from a stroke but was aficionado with collections raging from stamps and music to comics.

The Vintage Computer Show was in Florida and this year it had advertised to sell the “Edison Cylinder” — a collector’s delight.

One random Friday in April I reply to the bot “Vintage Computer Show” and lo and behold I get a response +1σ!!!

There is got to be something about this ; as far as I know no one has hit a positive score in the response by far, of all the thousands of responses and associated data and the mining which has been going on since when the bot first replied.

I might have hit the needle! or one of many needles here!

Photo by Adrien Bruneau on Unsplash

Having said that the next day I responded:
reply : NeXTcube
Response score — -6σ

Frustration ! I hoped continuing on the path of archaic computers (the apple NeXTcube would get me somewhere) — not to be!

This is all a wild goose chase I told myself — a knowledgable scammer running the rig here!

