Your First Open Source Contribution

Divya Rani
2 min readSep 29, 2017


Contributing to open source might look intimidating at first but with proper guidance you can make your first contribution right away.

image via fossbytes

Before you dive in make sure you have a Github account, if not register here .

Learn Git

You need to be familiar with git to start contributing. Here are some links which might help you learning git.

Beginning Git and Github for Linux Users

How to Use Git and GitHub

To get yourself acquainted with terminology used in git and github, please refer this glossary.

These two tutorials will help you to learn basic git commands and for reference you can refer to this cheat sheet. If you are done with this section move to the next section.

Submitting Your First Pull Request

Now as you are familiar with git and github, you are ready to make your first contribution. Here is a repository created by Roshan Jossey which guides newbies step by step through the contribution process. You can checkout this A Step by Step Guide to Making Your First GitHub Contribution for more detailed explanations.

What Next?

As you have made your first contribution don’t stop here, you can always go for good first bugs which are a great way to start contributing to real open source projects. You can checkout this repository created by Shmavon which contains list of good first bugs from different open source projects also you can checkout this website which contains the list of projects for new contributors. Don’t worry if you are new to coding you can always contribute to the documentation part of the projects.

BTW, Hacktoberfest is around the corner. Don’t miss the chance of getting a limited edition shirt by contributing to the open source, for more information you can checkout this article :Get Ready For Hacktoberfest

I hope this post was helpful :)

