Good oral health demands the great care of teeth

Rani kumari
2 min readFeb 11, 2020


This treatment has gained vast popularity for saving infected and damaged teeth without removing them. It includes several steps such as removal of the damaged area of tooth, cleaning it, disinfecting it then further filling the cavity and sealing it. This treatment is mainly called as root canal due to the deep cleaning of canals inside the tooth’s root rather than just tooth. In earlier time, this treatment used to be painful but modern technology has helped a lot in turning root canal a relatively comfortable and effective treatment. There can be versatile conditions that give rise to tooth decay namely, bacterial infections, injury, untreated cavity and many more. When your dentist recommends you Root canal treatment, you can expect three major steps that will going to happen during treatment.

Firstly, the dentist will inject local anesthesia with the help of a needle to numb tooth and minimize pain. When tooth is numb, a dental dam or a sheet of rubber will be placed that prepare the tooth for further process by cleaning it.

Secondly, many dental tools will be used, such as tiny drill to access inside the infected tooth. After that, your dentist will carefully remove damaged, diseases and infected pulp from inside of your tooth. He will also shape the inner chamber of tooth and root to ensure the accurate cleaning of remaining pulp. Then, an antimicrobial solution is used in the chamber to kill the bacteria and restrict the risks for further infections in future.

Thirdly and lastly, once the chamber is cleaned and dried filling process will take place. Gutta percha, a rubber like material is used to fill the chamber, this process is called temporary filling. After a few weeks, your dentist will replace this with a permanent crown and finish the treatment. Sometimes, they place a small supporting post inside root chamber to make the chamber more stable but it depends on the condition of tooth.

Good oral health demands the great care of teeth. In order to prevent tooth decay, brushing twice a day is advised with good toothpaste. It helps in locking the calcium in teeth and prevent them from the cavities. A Root canal treatment tooth can stay healthy for the rest of your life if care properly.



Rani kumari

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