The Observer Effect

Ranil Piyaratna
3 min readDec 11, 2023


The double-slit experiment showed us that when observing an experiment the expected result is what you get. When unobserved it gave a different result. It showed light can act as both a wave and a particle.

This experiment revolutionized how scientists see the world.

Ancient Wisdom in a Modern Context

However, this method is what ancient mystics discovered while meditating. They were able to clear their mind and be in a place where they observed the phenomena that came up. Everyday observation of reality shows us what we are accustomed to seeing. A leads to B which leads to C.

The Monkey Mind: Overcoming Mental Distractions in Meditation

We see what we expect to see and nothing is generally out of the ordinary. Our minds are conditioned. What meditation allows us to open our minds to something other than what we expect to come in. To experience something new, something fresh, something unfamiliar. It is easier said than done.

Oftentimes the monkey mind takes over and reminds us of the millions of tasks that are overdue. In this monkey mind, there are gems of wisdom.

  • Why do these thoughts have to come to us when meditating?
  • Why not when watching TV or performing some other activity?

We are opening ourselves up to receive when we meditate. We receive a lot of what we expect in the monkey mind. However, clearing the mind doesn’t mean to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The Ocean of Consciousness:

To shut off everything that comes into your mind. There is something else that exists within the world you have opened. The water is the mind chatter, the baby is what you are looking for. You need to be still to see this subtle difference. You need to be able to observe the mind like a TV screen. Observe it without analyzing what you see.

Surrendering to the Unknown:

Analysis creates expectations, leading to an anticipated result — A to B. To reach C without B, you need to learn to let go:

  • Surrender your expectations
  • Search for something greater without knowing what it is

This is the essence of religion — having faith and surrendering yourself to something greater. The reward is knowledge, comfort, peace, and serenity. It can also guide you on a path to where you need to go.

The monkey mind arranges itself into a different configuration. Just like the split test changes from particles to waves.

The Ocean and the Air: An Analogy

To give you an analogy, The monkey mind is the ocean. The ocean is where we all exist and interact. The observed world. The air is the world that is above it. That is something unfamiliar, something unknown. Looking through the water at the air you may get a sense that it is there but until you stick your head out of the water you will never know what else is out there to experience.

I strongly recommend that one takes out time to meditate and see what they can discover.

