These 5 New Year Resolution Ideas Can Make Differences in You

Ranjan Jena
3 min readJan 1, 2021

A New Year means a new start. New Start in the calendar. A new start in the life of a person.

People Tend to Abide by the New Year Resolution More seriously then a goal set up on a random date.

Here I’m with 5 such thing which you need to stop right now.

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  1. Stop Masturbation

Watching porn for fun in teenagers and Exploring porn on a periodical basis makes a man fall addicted to Porn and Masturbation. It may seem you to be normal now but in near future, you are going to face the harsh consequences.

Masturbation has a vital Negative impact on man’s life. It makes your Hair fall, Vision loss, Concentration weaken, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Dark circle, and a lot more.

So if you’re in the trap of porn and masturbation then you need to Quit as earliest as possible.

For this, you have to make a chart and Write down 21 days to achieve your Goal and write the 21 upcoming dates in 21 small papers. Upon completing the day without porn and masturbation, Just tear the date of the day and keep doing this for 21 days.

Don’t watch porn & Don’t masturbate. I repeat don’t masturbate.

2. Learn A New Skill

Everyone Know, Skill matters over Degrees. So What is stopping you to learn a new skill periodically. Learn something which fewer people know. Do Something Which Fewer people can do. World Demands Uniqueness and Talent.

Be A Multi-Talented Champ. Doing your job and don’t get time to learn something new? That shouldn’t be a justification.

Interesting in piano then go for it. A Mobile application excites you then Learn to code. Mutton Biriyani getting your favorite then get into the kitchen.

Whatever makes you feel satisfied; Don’t hold on – Go for it.

3. Read A Book Per Month

People who read books more seem to have additionally substantial knowledge and thinking power.

A Book improves your mindset, the way you see things and gives you the confidence to execute a task. A book boosts you in self-improvement, Finance awareness, and Humor Establishment.

No matter how vow to read at least 30mins a day and one book a month. May it be a fictional book or a financial book just read and Grab the knowledge.

Go for a physical book instead of eBooks or kindle. Keep this for one 1month and Feel the change inside you.

4. Save 10% Of Total Income

Save 10% of your total Income to yourself first. No matter what income you make but first spare 10% of it to yourself.

it is believed as when a man saves 10% of his savings for years, he need not go to the bank for a loan.

No matter how hard is it to save but try to keep saving at least 10% and Make Investments with that Savings and Keep Reinvesting the Profits too.

5. Stop Procrastination & Start Execution

Have you ever noticed, You have postponed a thing to do for the next day and you can’t even manage to finish the work on the promised day?

This is in a one-word substitution called Procrastination. Procrastination is delaying or postponing work to the next day.

Procrastination stops a man to execute their task. A Well plan without execution is like a vessel without water.

Successful people do not just succeed because of their thinking. They unexpectedly carried out their thought into reality. Gave their dream a start. An Execution. A finite way.

So Whatever the plan is or how small or big your plan is, if you see yourself, you can take your idea up to the top then don’t delay. Go for it now.

From this New Year teach yourself the art of converting a dream into reality. A plan into execution. A thought into a mission. New Year Resolution ideas into Execution.

For More : These 9 New Year Resolution ideas Can Help You Achieve Your Goal Faster

