Let’s play Spyfall

Ranjan Choudhury
2 min readJul 17, 2020


We are a group of people working at particular place. A spy has intruded into our group who needs to be discovered interrogating each other. We all know our place and role except the spy who is interested just to find out our location.

Everyone will ask question to each other to discover the spy and the spy will ask question to others to discover the location.

If the spy is able to find out the location before he is discovered as a spy, he wins. If rest of the members are able to discover who is a spy, they wins.

Where can we play the game:

There are lot of online platforms such as https://spyfall.adrianocola.com/ and https://www.spyfall.app where we can play the game.

What we need to play:

  • 4–12 people.
  • All in same room or same Zoom call
  • Each has their own phone, computer, or tablet.

The Game Flow

  • All players are assigned a card which have a location and role except the spy who is given a spy card. The spy does not know the location. The location is same for rest of the members. For example, in a group of 4 players, the round location may be hospital with role doctor for palyer1, nurse for player2 and patient for player3. The player4 is a spy who does not know that the location is hospital.
  • The person who starts the game beings by questioning another player about the location or role. Example, Is this the place where you come frequently?
  • The other player whom the question is pointed must answer the question. He can not cross question the same questioner.
  • After the player answers, it’s now their turn to ask question to someone else. And this continues until timeout.
  • Once timeout, it comes for the voting round. Everyone votes for who is the spy.
  • At any time, the spy can reveal that they are the spy and make a guess at what the location is. The round immediately ends.

Scoring and who wins:

Spy Victory

  • The spy earns 2 points if no one is successfully indicted of being the spy
  • The spy earns 4 points if a non-spy player is successfully indicted of being a spy
  • The spy earns 4 points if the spy stops the game and successfully guesses the location

Non-Spy Victory

  • Each non-spy player earns 1 point
  • The player who initiated the successful indictment of the spy earns 2 points instead

Running total:

  • You can play for as many rounds as you’d like. Whoever has the most points at the end of the target number of rounds is the overall game winner.

