Defference between Coroutine and RxJava in android with example.


Android development to handle asynchronous operations, such as network requests or database operations. They both allow you to write asynchronous code that is easier to read and maintain compared to traditional callback-based approaches.

1. Coroutines.

Here's a simple comparison:

  • Coroutines are part of Kotlin's standard library, making them lightweight and easy to use.
  • They provide a way to write asynchronous code in a sequential style, similar to synchronous code.
  • Coroutines use suspend functions to pause and resume execution, making it easier to handle asynchronous tasks without blocking the main thread.
  • Example

// Using coroutines to perform a network request
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = fetchUserData()
// Update UI with result


  • RxJava is a reactive programming library that allows you to compose asynchronous and event-based programs.
  • It provides a set of powerful operators to work with asynchronous data streams.
  • RxJava uses Observables and Observers to handle asynchronous events, allowing you to transform and combine streams of data easily.
  • Example.

// Using RxJava to perform a network request
disposable = fetchData()
 .subscribe({ result ->
// Update UI with result
}, { error ->
// Handle error

In simple terms, coroutines offer a more lightweight and sequential approach to handling asynchronous tasks, while RxJava provides a powerful toolkit for working with streams of data using reactive programming concepts. Depending on your project’s requirements and your familiarity with each approach, you can choose the one that fits best for your needs.

Ranjan Gupta(Senior Android Engineer in Reliance)



Ranjan Gupta (Senior Android Engineer) In Reliance

With 10 years in Android development, I craft seamless, innovative mobile experiences. Expertise in Java/Kotlin ensures robust, scalable solutions.(Reliance)