Search Engines vs. Reasoning Engines: Which One Is Right for You?

Ranjeet Jangra
3 min readJul 29, 2023


When you need to find information on the internet, you have two main options: search engines and reasoning engines. But what’s the difference between these two types of tools, and which one is right for you?

Search Engines

Search engines are like librarians. They help you find information by organizing it into a searchable catalog. When you search for something, the search engine returns a list of websites that match your query.

Search engines are good at finding information on a wide range of topics. They’re also good at finding new information, as they’re constantly crawling the web for new websites. However, search engines can be difficult to use for complex queries. They can also return a lot of irrelevant results.

Reasoning Engines

Reasoning engines are like detectives. They use their knowledge and skills to solve mysteries. When you ask a reasoning engine a question, it will ask you follow-up questions to understand your intent. Then, it will use its knowledge base to find the answer to your question.

Reasoning engines are good at understanding complex queries and providing comprehensive responses. They can also learn and adapt over time, which makes them more accurate and helpful. However, reasoning engines are still under development, so they may not be as accurate as search engines. They can also be expensive to develop and maintain.

Which One Is Right for You?

So, which one should you use? It depends on what you’re looking for. If you need to find specific information, a search engine is a good option. But if you need a more comprehensive answer, or if you have a complex question, a reasoning engine is a better choice.

Here’s a table that summarizes the key differences between search engines and reasoning engines:

Choose any below reasoning AI engine according to your requirement .

Thanks .

Ranjeet Jangra

Network and Cloud Automation Professional with 15 years of experience in Development | Testing | Deployment | Support | Automation on various Technologies like IP-Routing, Cloud, Programming, Containers, Kubernetes, Telemetry, Orchestration, Network-Programmability, YANG, TextFSM, Jinja, RestAPI , Terraform , AWS , Ansible , Cisco NSO and so on .



Ranjeet Jangra

Network Automation Professional with 10+ years of experience in Development|Testing|Deployment|Support|Automation .