Why Online Reputation Management Matters for a Brand?

3 min readFeb 16, 2024


In today’s digital age, online reputation for businesses has become a critical aspect of success for businesses and individuals. With the rise of online review platforms and social media, anyone can easily access and share information about a brand or person.

It means that your online reputation can have a significant impact on your credibility, customer trust, and overall success. In this blog post, Ranker1, listed as the best digital brand management agency, will explore some compelling reasons why online reputation management (ORM) matters.

Online Reputation Management

Why is Online Reputation Management Important?

What is online reputation management for brands? It is a marketing tool and practice that focuses on protecting and managing your online image. ORM and marketing are more essential now than ever. A brand that has a good reputation is trusted by more customers and businesses.

Following are the top 7 reasons why online reputation management is essential:

  • Impact Your SEO Efforts

If your business is unable to generate enough interest among customers, expect that the visibility of your site will also reduce. Sure, you’ve done your work when it comes to on-page SEO, but that’s only part of the equation. One benefit of reputation management is that it increases brand awareness.

Fifteen percent of the ranking factors in Google’s Local Pack come from online reviews. It emphasizes the importance of reputation management. Google gives great importance to user-generated content (UGC). One of the effective strategies you can use is to generate more user reviews on Google and other review websites.

  • Support Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media is an essential part of search engine marketing ORM. Brand reputation management requires every business to create an effective social media strategy. The goal is to make your brand more customer-centric and accessible to leads and current customers.

Studies show that just because you do not actively engage your customers, your customer churn can increase by as much as 15 percent. When your visitor engagement is low, people will see your brand as another business that wants to sell something.

  • Improves Products, Services, and Customer Experience

Another importance of online reputation management allows you to analyze customer feedback. This feedback is helpful in product development. You can better address customer needs and customize your products to solve their problems. When people know you’re listening, it leads to a better customer experience.

  • Attracts and More Talented Workforce

ORM builds the credibility of your brand, resulting in a lot of trust from the general public. Your high reputation also becomes a magnet for people who share your core values. More talented professionals will want to work with you. Remember that 69 percent of job hopefuls reject offers from companies with bad reputations.

  • Increase Customer Loyalty and Convert them Into Brand Advocates

Businesses can improve customer loyalty by staying on social media comments and top of reviews. Resolving complaints swiftly creates opportunities to establish excellent relationships with customers.

Social media management and SEO helps you understand customer sentiments and provide valuable solutions. Improving customer loyalty turns customers into brand advocates who spread the word about your business.

  • Improves Conversation Rates

Using the best online reputation management solutions increases trust in your brand. It includes conflict resolution and gaining more positive brand reviews. When your brand reputation is solid and trust is high you get increased conversion rates. Studies show that getting more positive reviews can increase your conversion rates by up to 270 percent.

  • Manages unknown website listings

By using ORM software you can better identify, claim, and manage unknown website listings. For example, there are hundreds of online directories like Yelp. Unfortunately, some of these listings and backlinks harm your site. Getting the best online reputation management service will help you find them as quickly as possible.

  • Provides More Control Over Your Online Presence

Your online business presence is everywhere. You control the social media pages and content on your website. But you don’t have control over other portals. With excellent brand reputation management, you can gain control over how your brand name is used online.


Online reputation management is not just an option; This is a necessity. Your online reputation can directly impact your bottom line, customer trust, talent acquisition, and crisis management. By actively managing and protecting your online reputation, you can set yourself or your brand up for long-term success in the digital world.

