INRI: A Symbol of Faith, Devotion, and Secret Knowledge

Ranuka Dharmaratne
3 min readJun 1, 2023

INRI is a Latin acronym that stands for the phrase “Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum” which translates to “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” This phrase appears on the sign that was placed above Jesus’ head during his crucifixion, as described in the New Testament of the Bible.

The origin of the acronym INRI is closely tied to the history of Jesus and the events surrounding his death. According to the New Testament, Jesus was arrested, tried, and sentenced to death by crucifixion by the Roman authorities in Jerusalem, who accused him of claiming to be the King of the Jews. As a form of mockery and to emphasize his guilt, the Romans placed a sign above Jesus’ head on the cross that read “INRI.”

The phrase “INRI” has become a symbol of Jesus’ death and sacrifice, and it is often used in Christian art and imagery as a reminder of the events of the Passion. It is also often used as a symbol of faith and devotion, and is sometimes inscribed on crosses and other religious objects.

In addition to its religious significance, the acronym INRI has also been adopted by some secret societies and esoteric groups as a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. In these contexts, the acronym is often interpreted as standing for the phrase “Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra,” which translates to “Fire Renew the Whole of Nature” or “Nature is Renewed by Fire.” This interpretation is based on the belief that knowledge and understanding are gained through the process of burning away…



Ranuka Dharmaratne

I'm a writer, dreamer, and adventurer, always seeking out new experiences and stories to share. Follow me as I explore the world and discover new perspectives