How to use Express Entry for Immigration to Canada

Rao Consultants
4 min readMay 16, 2019


Image: Pixabay

Canada has been one of the warmest countries when it comes to receiving Indian immigrants. A lot of Indians hope to go to Canada in search of a better future and a better standard of living. Owing to the increase in the demand for skilled professionals in Canada, the migration considerations of the nation have continually been made easier. And the curiosity of How to Immigrate to Canada has increased drastically in last decade.

Canada has recently made it known that it is inviting over 1 million immigrants by 2021. This naturally means that there is a huge opportunity building up for many skilled Indians.

What is the Express Entry all about?

The Express Entry is an arrangement used by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to manage and process applications that are received through Canada’s federal commercial immigration programs. Eligible candidates can apply through the Express Entry to migrate to Canada based on 3 primary factors. They are:

· Human Capital Factors

· Skills

· Experience

This process allows skilled Indians to migrate to Canada with their families in just a few months with a much lower IELTS bands requirement.

Determining Express Entry Points

There is a point system based on which there is a set cut off. Anyone who qualifies with the required point system can be eligible for the Express Entry program. These points are calculated by keeping in mind the following:

· The education level of the candidate applying;

· Language capabilities in English and/or French which are the 2 official languages of Canada;

· The Candidate’s work experience and skill sets;

· Age of the Candidate;

· Candidate’s Job status in Canada (if candidate already has a job offer);

· The education, language abilities and work experience of the candidate’s spouse

In case the Candidate has completed some course or has a degree from a college in Canada, it adds additional points to their profile.

How does a Candidate get selected through the Express Entry Program?

Image: Pixabay

The process of selection is a simple one.

· When the candidate submits a profile, it is then added to a data pool of all the people who have currently applied for Express Entry.

· Now, the candidate’s profile is compared with all the other profiles that have come in through the Express Entry program at that time. Then the candidate’s profile is ranked. This rank is entirely based on the points that the profile has earned.

· If the candidate’s profile is ranked highly, then the profile gets selected. The candidate then receives an ITA (Invitation To Apply) for permanent residence as a skilled immigrant.

· IRCC has a pre-decided cut off for the points needed to receive and ITA and the cut off of the number of applications that will be considered.

Preparing yourself

Image: Pixabay

The first and foremost step that a candidate has to undertake is to find out if they are eligible in the first place, or not, as well as whether he or she is eligible for Canada PR Visa. Once they know where they stand in terms of eligibility, the path to preparation clears up. If the application is being made under any provincial program, then they must identify what are the high demand professions and see if they are qualified for that.

Apart from this the biggest area of concern is to get a higher band score in their IELTS. While this doesn’t seem like a tough task at first it can quickly become a daunting feat to accomplish. Each candidate must always remember that even though the Express Entry program has been designed to make it easy for people to migrate to Canada, there is no shortcut for it.

An aspiring candidate will have to put in a lot of effort to ensure that they have everything that the other country expects from them. Just follow the regulations, read about government policies and ensure that you only apply through a government approved ICCRC member.

