🇺🇸 Fellow patriots 🇺🇸Let’s be clear. The #trump #maga #kag #gop can’t win a fair fight, because decent human being is, as today’s #republicanparty clearly is…Aug 31, 2020Aug 31, 2020
covid-19 — keeping you & your loved ones safe — 2020 March 16Modified from an email thread with my long running bookclub. Subject line, which I wish I’d thought of: “Book Clubs in the Time of…Mar 17, 2020Mar 17, 2020
covid-19 links list — 2020 March 14It’s Saturday, March 14, and spent the day obsessively reading about coronavirus / COVID-19. There’s tons of terrific coverage out there…Mar 15, 2020Mar 15, 2020
propaganda reading list — 2020 FebBerit Anderson. (2017 february 12). “The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine: There’s a new automated propaganda machine driving…Feb 20, 2020Feb 20, 2020
resist “manufactured nihilism” Read. Learn. Vote. Win.From Vox (which I can’t find a channel for on Medium, but lots of individual Vox folks on Medium, & Vox also now runs The Coral Project)Feb 1, 2020Feb 1, 2020
Washington Post “op-ed” propaganda from Megan McCardleI was so enraged by this that I posted my comment to Washington Post too early, before the full flower of my rage had settled. So I only…Aug 25, 2018Aug 25, 2018
the #trumpist #gop cheats#gop #trump want to stay in power forever. They cannot win on the issues, so they cheat:Jun 30, 2018Jun 30, 2018
The gop wants me dead.It’s Friday, June 15, 2018. If you support #trump #gop at this point, then I assume you want me dead, too.Jun 16, 2018Jun 16, 2018