Why Life Feels Aimless and Hollow All of a Sudden…

3 min readMay 14, 2024


Photo by Human Initiative

Do you ever experience the sudden rush of sadness and aimlessness in life? Wondered what life really is? Why are there so many ups and downs? Why do you suddenly become hopeless about your life? Don’t worry. Everyone experiences this once in a while. Feeling aimless doesn’t mean you are a waste. Don’t belittle your own self. In this world, not even an insect is made uselessly or without any purpose. Everything is created with a reason. So do you and your life as well.

We all lose something in life; we fail, are defeated, and are mocked over our looks, personalities, and shortcomings. It happens to everyone. Even when we think that we are the only ones suffering, that we are the most pitiful person in this world, or that no one has ever experienced or can experience the pain we are suffering, it isn’t true at all.

The truth is, in life, everyone has gone through their fair share of suffering and difficulties. Everyone, and when I say everyone, I mean it. Every single person encounters difficulty in one way or another.

You don’t have to victimize yourself. Instead, what you should focus on is the meaning behind those difficulties. No problem in this world exists without a solution. No matter how dark and hopeless the path looks right now, there’s always light. Some light exists.

The only thing you need to learn from your problems is how to solve them. Learn to see the bright and positive side of everything. It’s so easy to blame circumstances, situations, or other people for your problems, but does this help in solving the problem in any way? No, right. The first and most difficult step in encountering any difficulty is to own the problem. This is harder than anything else.

I have seen people do this all the time but never comprehend why people blame others for their failure. But I started to understand them when I myself went through a similar situation in life. When adulting started to hit me harder than anything else ever could. People do this to justify their failures. They are not ready to accept the fact that this is the consequence of their choices. Doing this satisfies their ego and pride. But not owing your failure and running away from your problems only make them bigger and larger.

Owning and accepting situations and problems is the first step toward its solution. I completely understand that it’s easier said than done, but this is the first thing you need to do in order to fight them.

Accept that you are not the only one facing this problem right now. Accept that it already happened, and you can’t change it, nor can you go back in the past and change it. And that this is YOUR PROBLEM, and you are the only one WHO CAN SOLVE IT.

Things happen, but don’t lose yourself while handling life’s dilemmas. No matter how big the problem looks right now, it is still a chapter of your life, not a whole book. You are stronger than your problems. No matter how hopeless life feels, there’s still much to look forward to.

