Raoul Martinez
4 min readDec 16, 2015

My Review of Star Wars — The Force Awakens…for what it’s worth.


The main question I’m getting from people about Star Wars The Force Awakens is this: Does it live up to the hype and expectations?


And then some.

Star Wars — The Force Awakens

I would consider myself a mid-level Star Wars geek.

I’ve seen all of the movies countless times, but I can’t rattle off the names of every galaxy or planet or coffee shop or name every single supporting character.

That being said, I loved this movie, and I’m already planning to see it again.

It more than makes up for the disappointment people felt over the prequels.

Thank goodness screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan (Empire, Jedi) came back to help with this one.

For the true Star Wars fan, this movie is everything you’d expect.

It respects and pays homage to the true mythology of the franchise, while at the same time laying the groundwork for its own trilogy and moving the storyline forward.

Our favorites — Han Solo, General Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca — are back.

And they are all critical to the storyline, not just there for show, or for gimmicky cameos.

They are central to the plot, and seamlessly work alongside the new batch of characters like Rey, Finn, and Poe, Kylo Ren.

The Kylo Ren storyline continues the Star Wars tradition of the mysterious, tormented villain…with a heaping side of family conflict.
The character is brilliant and his performance is a highlight of the film.

With that, comes a new take on our favorite bad guys dressed in white: the CONFLICTED storm trooper.

There are moments when you see characters having a battle between light and dark, within themselves.

Some choose correctly. Others do not.

They toe the line.

Good versus evil.

It’s great fun not knowing up until a decision is made, which way certain characters will go.

There’s a point in the movie where the tone changes, and the rest of the film takes on a new meaning.

And you realize, the new world and mythology that lies ahead.

There are a few jaw-droppers and plot-twists.

And depending on how “emotional” you get in movies, your eyes may get a little watery.

Back to the two new main characters…Rey (played by the lovely Daisy Ridley — a Keira Knightley doppelganger) and Finn (played by John Boyega).

Rey’s character I’m convinced will carry this new franchise. She is strong, powerful, dynamic, captivating.

It will be fun to see Rey’s development over the next few movies.

Finn offers up a uniquely different character…I mean, how trustworthy can he be? He is a Stormtrooper, after all.

The film is visually stunning.

The new weaponry earns more than one “whoa!” from the crowd.

Oh, and there is our new cute friend BB-8…who is fantastic. No Jar-Jar here folks. You’ll love BB.

Imagine if R2 and Wall-E had a little brother!

We know this film is the first of a new trilogy.

Yet, it doesn’t leave us hanging, it doesn’t tease us for the next one.

It satisfies.

The new Star Wars and the old Star Wars come together seamlessly.

The magic is back.

This movie has officially brought back our beloved Star Wars with one fell swoop of the lightsaber.

Everything that made us fall in love with Star Wars in the first place, is back.

I’m gushing, now. I apologize. I’m a big fan.

My wife asked me “is this the best of all the Star Wars movies?”

I actually have to think about that.



Fans of JJ Abram’s Alias will also get a cool surprise cameo from one of the popular TV show’s minor characters.