8x1 Multiplexer (Behavioral) Implementation in Verilog

3 min readFeb 13, 2024


Now start the journey of a Digital Logic Design System. A multiplexer, often abbreviated as “mux,” is a combinational logic circuit that selects one of several input signals and forwards it to a single output. A set of control signals controls the input signal selection, typically referred to as “select” or “address” lines.The given Verilog code defines a module named “mux_8x1_bh” which implements the functionality of an 8x1multiplexer. Here’s a breakdown of the module:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module mux_8x1_bh(
output reg y,
input [7:0]i,
input [2:0]s

always @(*)


  • This Verilog module represents an 8-to-1 multiplexer (mux), where one of the eight input signals is selected based on a 3-bit select signal.
  • The module consists of an output port y, which serves as the output of the multiplexer, and two input ports: i for the 8-bit data inputs and s for the 3-bit select signal.
  • Inside the module, there’s a always block sensitive to any changes in its inputs (*). This means the block will execute whenever any of its inputs change.
  • Within the always block, a case statement is used to select the appropriate input based on the value of the selected signal s.
  • The case the statement covers all possible combinations of the 3-bit select signal (s). For each combination, it assigns the corresponding input (i) to the output (y).
  • This module implements the functionality of an 8-to-1 multiplexer using behavioral Verilog without directly instantiating any hardware primitives.

The Verilog module mux_8x1_tb is a testbench designed to verify the functionality of the mux_8x1_bh module, which implements an 8x1 multiplexer. Below is an explanation of the mux_8x1_tb module:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

// Module definition for the testbench
module mux_8x1_tb;
// Declaration of signals
wire y; // Output of the DUT (Device Under Test)
reg [7:0] i; // 8-bit input
reg [2:0] s; // 3-bit select signal

// Instantiation of the DUT
mux_8x1 dut(y, i, s);

// Initial block for testbench setup
// Initialize inputs
i = 8'b00000000; // Initial value for 8-bit input
s[0] = 0; // Initial value for select bit 0
s[1] = 0; // Initial value for select bit 1
s[2] = 0; // Initial value for select bit 2

// Stimulus generation
#100 i = 8'hca; // Change input after 100 time units
#200 i = 8'h0f; // Change input after 200 time units
#500 i = 8'h5a; // Change input after 500 time units

// Finishing simulation after 1500 time units
#1500 $finish();

// Toggle select signals at different intervals
always #100 s[0] = ~s[0]; // Toggle select bit 0 every 100 time units
always #200 s[1] = ~s[1]; // Toggle select bit 1 every 200 time units
always #400 s[2] = ~s[2]; // Toggle select bit 2 every 400 time units
  • This Verilog code defines a testbench (mux_8x1_tb) for the 8x1 multiplexer (mux_8x1).
  • Inside the testbench, there are signal declarations for the output y, the 8-bit input i, and the 3-bit select signal s.
  • The multiplexer (mux_8x1) is instantiated (dut) with the declared signals.
  • The initial block (initial) is used for testbench setup. It initializes inputs, generates stimulus, and finishes the simulation after a certain time.
  • Inputs i are changed at different time intervals to stimulate the multiplexer.
  • The always blocks toggle the select signals s at different intervals to control the selection of inputs in the multiplexer.

RTL Viewer:

RTL Diagram of 8x1multiplexer

Simulation Waveform:

Waveform of 8x1multiplexer




Undergrad Telecom Engineer | NEDUET'25 | RISC V | SV | RTL | Digital System Design | FPGA | VLSI Enthusiast