Old Fashioned Technology

Rapha Russell
3 min readJun 18, 2019


Technology, Oh! Technology! You are so beautiful, helpful, and yet you can be so mischievous. I remember the first time I had contact with the computer tech, and it blew me away! I remember writing letters to my friends and family on the typewriter, and when I was 6, all that changed. That black screen with green letters appearing on the giant monitor as I typed on the keyboard opened up vision to new possibilities.

I am so lucky and blessed to have been born in a transition era from the old fashioned to the new 21st century new gadgets. When I was a kid, my favorite toy of all was LEGO; I remember when my parents with much sacrifice bought me a box of it. I was in heaven; I could spend the whole day just building and playing with those fantastic blocks. Soon enough, my dad bought a new computer for work. I was amazed by it and needed to know how it worked. Being very naive and ingenious, I took a mental picture of the computer, and like legos, I took everything apart. I challenge myself to put everything together. When I turned the computer on, and everything was working, I cried! The feeling of having accomplished something challenging on my own was indeed one of the best experiences I have ever felt.

Today, 22 years later that moment I have grown, learned and experienced amazing things done with technology but the more we do it, the farther we get from human interaction, touch, looking in the eye. I still prefer to read from a physical book, touch the pages, stain them with coffee by accident, forget what page you left off because there is no reminder to go back to where you left off. I love to receive handwritten letters, send handwritten notes over Instant messages. I come from Brazil, where the culture is to hug and kiss on the chicks when you meet someone. It feels awkward when nowadays you meet someone, and you send emojis, high-fives, and faces that don’t capture a fraction of what you are feeling; we spend hours scrolling through imaginary worlds that people pretend and wish they could be living.

But there is the other side of the tech. I am so lucky to be living in this present; I can connect and see my family across the seas as if we were face to face. I can visit places instantly with just a few taps of my finger; I can bring value and joy to people’s lives with my business solving their tech problems. I am so fortunate to be alive in this beautiful ever-growing world where every day we discover more, every day we can learn something new, every day millions of people with good hearts and intentions are helping others to grow and to survive. Thanks to technology, a lot of it is possible. I am proud that I am a lover of old fashioned ways to bring joy to my life and a lover of technology that provides value to people at the same time.

