Raphael Shklarek
Raphael Shklarek

I am deeply curious about human experiences, and their connection to the emergence of ideas and beliefs. I try to understand the construction of reality through perception, emotion, cognition, reason, and intuition. I explore understanding itself. My work intersects the domains of complex systems, consciousness, epistemology, critique of ideology, and the pursuit of equity and viability.

My diverse academic background in philosophy, psychology and political science, as well as my professional experience in consulting equip me to approach problems from multiple perspectives. I strive to weave together and unify various strands of knowledge in pursuit of human flourishing, venturing beyond traditional or anthropocentric viewpoints.

With the rapid advancement of scientific insight and interconnectedness, understanding and making sense of our world has become more challenging. I believe that acceptance of uncertainty, ambiguity, and contradictions is crucial in our world. I consult individuals as well as organizations, and guide transformations to address contemporary challenges that require a systems perspective. It is my mission to help individuals and organizations break free from singular narratives and resist pre-packaged solutions.

Medium member since March 2019
Connect with Raphael Shklarek
Raphael Shklarek

Raphael Shklarek

Sparked by a deep curiosity for human experiences and the emergence of ideas and beliefs, I strive toward a unity of knowledge in pursuit of human flourishing