Revolutionizing Supply Chain Management with Blockchain: The Walmart Canada Story

Rapid Innovation
4 min readJul 13, 2023


Blockchain technology has proven to be a game-changer in addressing longstanding challenges in the logistics sector. This story focuses on Walmart Canada, which has revolutionized supply chain management using blockchain. Faced with recurring issues of invoice discrepancies and resulting payment delays, Walmart turned to blockchain to provide a seamless process for handling the invoices and payments of its 70 third-party freight carriers. This article will unravel how this retail giant employed this transformative technology, effectively streamlining their operations, and setting a new standard in the industry.

Deciphering the Challenge and the Blockchain Promise

As one of the largest retailers globally, Walmart Canada is responsible for managing over 500,000 shipments every year, a task that involves the careful tracking of numerous data points for every load carried. The need for calculating and incorporating over 200 unique data points, including stop locations, fuel consumption, and temperature changes, into each invoice naturally led to many discrepancies. The problem was so prevalent that an astounding 70% of invoices required tedious reconciliation procedures. These inefficiencies prompted a tech leader at Walmart Canada to propose a new approach — the adoption of blockchain technology. Renowned for its decentralization, transparency, and ability to act as a single source of truth, blockchain technology presented itself as an ideal solution for these long-standing problems in supply chain management. Blockchain, with its immutable nature, could offer a unified system that would eliminate the data inconsistencies that had plagued the company.

Embarking on Blockchain Adventure with DLT Labs

To turn the vision of a blockchain solution into reality, Walmart Canada joined forces with DLT Labs, a renowned global player in the development and deployment of enterprise-grade blockchain solutions. This collaboration led to the birth of DL Freight, a bespoke blockchain network built with the specific purpose of streamlining the invoice and payment process. This innovative system underwent rigorous testing and refinements and, upon proving its effectiveness, was extended to cover 69 other freight carriers by 2021. DL Freight was designed to continuously gather and synchronize data throughout the entire delivery process. Access to this data was restricted to only the relevant parties involved in each transaction, thereby ensuring enhanced transparency and security. This process marked a crucial step forward in leveraging blockchain technology to improve the supply chain’s efficiency.

Quantifying the Success of the Blockchain Solution

The implementation of the DL Freight blockchain solution represented a significant turning point in Walmart Canada’s supply chain management. Before the adoption of the blockchain system, invoice disputes were alarmingly high, with an average of 70% of invoices being disputed due to various discrepancies. With the introduction of blockchain, the dispute rate plummeted to less than 1%, indicating the system’s remarkable success in enhancing data accuracy and consistency. More than just reducing disputes, the blockchain solution also expedited the payment process, leading to increased carrier satisfaction as payment delays became a thing of the past. One of the standout features of DL Freight was its ability to perform real-time calculations and updates of costs. As costs accrued throughout the delivery process, the system automatically updated the invoices, thus providing unprecedented financial transparency. The blockchain solution not only resolved long-standing issues of data discrepancies but also set a new standard for financial transparency in the industry.

Learning and Paving the Way Forward

The successful deployment of the DL Freight blockchain offers a trove of insights for businesses looking to implement similar systems. Key lessons include the importance of stakeholder involvement, deciding between a public and private blockchain, establishing business rules and calculations, and the importance of integrating checks and balances into the system. The blockchain system has also opened the doors for operational improvements, paving the way for optimizing routes, loads, and travel times and improving delivery coordination.


Walmart Canada’s adoption of blockchain exemplifies a ground-breaking approach to traditional supply chain challenges. The successful implementation of the blockchain system has proven to be a game-changer in managing complex logistics data, enhancing transparency, reducing invoice disputes, and improving carrier satisfaction. Walmart Canada’s case serves as an insightful blueprint for other companies facing similar supply chain complexities, demonstrating how blockchain can foster an environment of trust, efficiency, and enhanced operational performance. This success story points towards a promising future for blockchain technology in supply chain management, offering valuable lessons and insights for businesses worldwide.

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