What Is A Building Inspection?

Rapid Pest And Building
2 min readDec 9, 2015

If you are confused about building inspection, read this article where you will find some detailed information related to it.

Are you are planning to buy a house? The property you are going to buy is either going to be a completely new one or an old property – no matter what having done a proper building inspection is a must. Before purchasing the property it's always important to check and inspect the house in a proper and professional manner. For this organising a pre purchase building inspection is very essential as it would protect you from expensive mistakes.

A building inspection after all can be defined as a report that states the current condition of a property. By getting a building inspection done, you would be able to know what type of maintenance is required in the near future and whether the property is infested with any kind of pest or not such as termites, carpenter ant etc.

A professional building inspector while inspecting a property makes sure to check the following things. So, if you hire a pro for the job, you can have all these below mentioned things checked:


  • cracks in the wall, sometimes cracks may be hidden by beautiful wallpapers.
  • floors and walls for dampness.
  • the ceilings – whether they are clear of any leak, stains or mould.
  • the windows or blinds – if they are working properly.
  • the plumbing systems, the drainage system and leakages etc.
  • the whole electrical system that includes all power-points, air conditioning point, ceiling, heating, and extraction fans.
  • whether there is any rusting framework or not.
  • whether the doors are working properly or not.
  • the level of traffic noise.
  • Telephone lines, and television aerial points


  • condition of fences and gates.
  • the garden for any type of poisonous plants.
  • the large trees close to the house that could cause damage in future by their roots.
  • external structures such as granny flats and pergolas
  • whether external walls are straight.
  • the water pressure of external tap.
  • condition of the roof including tiles and frames.
  • pest signs.

Getting all these things checked by a pro is very essential. This is becuase only they will be able to give you a detailed report on the basis of their inspections. And your decision to buy the property or not will largely depend on that report. You may think that you can do all these inspections alone but top be very frank you will not have the expertise and skills like them and so you may miss out many important things, which may cost you in future. So, getting a pre-purchase building inspection done by a pro is important.

