14 SEO Tools You’ll Be Grateful To Have Come Across In 2019

Mitesh Pandey
10 min readApr 17, 2019


Search Engine Optimization isn’t just about finding keywords and placing them in your blog or webpage content. There’s backlinking, outreach, page ranking, and so much else involved. Ask any Search Engine Optimization company, and they’ll tell you that they have a whole team dedicated to a single simple aspect of it. As you can guess, SEO takes a lot of smartness, time, and effort.

And the best way to perform is with the help of SEO tools online. The primary function of these tools is to perform SEO audit. We’re going to use this term quite often throughout the blog, so we’ll explain it in advance. SEO Audit means that the tool inspects all the content for optimization and provides information like the number of pages, meta descriptions, titles and keywords, broken links, and more.

However, there are specific tools that are used to focus on a particular feature or two. And using a combination of those as per your requirement can fetch better and detailed results than using just one tool for everything. And that’s how SEO professionals actually function.

According to HubSpot, 47% of digital marketers manage to perform full SEO audits for their website biannually. Whereas 29% of them do it every month. If you are a digital marketer yourself, you know the importance of keeping the websites’ SEO up to the mark.

To know what all SEO tools can help you with, refer to their different types we’ve mentioned below.

Types of SEO tools

Ranking analysis tools

Competitive analysis is the first step of SEO. Before you begin with marketing yourself or even gathering up keywords, it is important to know what the market looks like. Having a look at your competitors’ content and ranking gives you a clearer idea about your own goals and work. This is done by ranking analysis tools.

They also help with checking the rank of your blog or webpage amongst all the other relevant ones. When you’re playing with SEO tactics, this tool helps in knowing which strategy works, and how, and how much.

Keyword research tools

Keywords are the foundation on which SEO stands. And how do you know which keywords related to your topic/service are the most trending? Keyword research tools give you a detailed analysis of how many times a certain phrase has been used on the search engine.

Additionally, it also lets you play around with different words and combinations so that you can know which keyword precisely works the best.

Backlink analysis tools

Backlinks are made to boost a website’s ranking. However, one cannot haphazardly add backlinks to their website. Questions like ‘is the backlink relevant?’, ‘is the backlink effective?’ have to be answered by someone.

And that is where backlink analysis tools come into action. They give you a quick check of the page so you don’t have to go through the entire content to know if it is relevant to your blog. They also filter out links which are broken or not in use anymore.

Content optimization tools

The process of optimizing the content on your webpage in such a way that it attracts relevant traffic is what content optimization is. As you can imagine, content optimization tools are one of the best SEO tools one can use.

These tools help in practical usage of keyword research such that the content stays natural and organic. They allow you to do research on a topic within the tool window. This way, you can include subjects related to your topic for more relevance. These tools also recommend changes to make in a document for better optimization.

Link building tools

Such tools track links to your websites. They also give information on your competitors’ links to give a fairer idea of the big picture. They inform about unique links and their anchor texts. Additionally, they also track conversion rates, fetch contact information, and give insights on inbound links.

Outreach tools

Outreach is all about spreading the goals, news, and work of your business to a wider audience. Outreach tools guide you with connecting to the right places. They track conversions, visitors, social media audience, and your blog’s reach.

They also give details about the most popular content and the websites it belongs to. This way, you can reach out to them for link building or collaborations.

As evident, there are tools to help with all aspects of search engine optimization. But as you must have guessed, there are too many of them out there. So, from the pool, we’ve selected the best SEO tools of 2019.

Top 14 SEO tools you should be using

1. SEMrush

Easily one of the most popular SEO tools, SEMrush covers multiple SEO tasks at once. And for this reason, it is used for Technical SEO Audits by companies like Quora and Booking.com.

Firstly, it helps in monitoring SEO rankings. It shows the ranking of your websites and informs about opportunities to improve them. It also tracks changes in those rankings. Secondly, its competitive analysis feature is also worth the praise. It allows you to compare keywords and domains for better insights. Thirdly, it also helps with keyword research, position tracking, and backlink audits as well as analysis.

2. Screaming Frog

A highly recommended tool for SEO audits, Screaming Frog gives detailed and organized information for on-page SEO factors by crawling through website URLs. With a detailed inspection of a website, it lists all the pages and links. For keyword research, it mentions the lengths of all keyword elements. In fact, the URL crawler checks more than 50 attributes of content optimization. And it lets you crawl through 500 URLs for free.

Moreover, it allows integration with Google Analytics to fetch user data like conversions, transactions, and goals. Used by Apple, Disney, and Amazon among other big companies, Screaming Frog is trusted by thousands of users worldwide.

3. Google Analytics

Google Analytics, one of the free Google SEO tools, offers complete web statistics and search insights.

A highly functional tool, it offers all information regarding the performance of your website’s content on the web. With its monthly reporting and customised insights, you can connect the data with your results to perform better.

The best part about Google Analytics is that you can access data from other Google solutions like Data Studio, Google Ads and Optimize. This helps you to connect the dots and bring all your business together on one platform.

4. Majestic

Majestic claims to be ‘the planet’s largest link index database’. Used for SEO, media analysis, development, and social media tracking, the tool is a sort of all-in-one package. It checks backlink history, explores domains or URLs in detail, and suggests keywords.

All these attributes, of course, make it a very precious tool for SEO. Additionally, they have provisions of a link intelligence map, which is said to be the best one out there. With the tool, one can access pages, links, images, sub-domains, redirects, no-follow links, and more.

As if this wasn’t enough, it also provides a visual measurement of the quality of a link, termed as citation flow. For these links, it also maps whether the link will pass visitors or not, which is termed as trust flow.

With such major advantages, Majestic is the go-to tool for link building.

5. Ahrefs

When it comes to link analysis, Ahrefs wins many hearts. It identifies a website’s link profile to break down their linking strategy. It also reveals the type of backlinks it receives. It identifies missing backlinks and anchors text problems as well.

With 12 trillion backlinks in its index, Ahrefs has the largest dataset of backlinks there is. It goes without saying, the tool is used in most SEO services in India.

Other services include SEO Audit and researching competitor data. It also lets you monitor your niche to get higher ranks. Link text analysis, an overview of links, and comparison of domain names are other highlights of this toolset. While it offers some tools for free usage, one has to buy a monthly subscription to avail full services.

6. Bing Webmaster tools

A tool helpful for visibility analytics, Bing Webmaster gives you an overview of what top search engines think of your website. Along with reporting and diagnostic tools, it also offers a dashboard to work on.

The custom reports tell you why and how a user visited your website. You can use that data in your marketing strategy to bring in more traffic. Along with that, the toolbox has troubleshooting, crawling, sitemap, and website stats tools.

7. MOZ

A keyword research tool, Moz helps in driving customers to the website. It compares different keywords and ranks them so that you can use the best ones in your content. Additionally, it pinpoints sources that bring in traffic.

With its site audit feature, you can inspect broken links. It also allows you to receive keyword ranking and manage organic traffic by recommending changes. Instant analysis of keyword usage on-page is also possible with the tool.

8. Google Search Console

If you hire an SEO expert in India, they most likely use this tool already. With the help of Google Search Index, this tool helps in monitoring website performance. It is one of the most helpful tools in ranking your web pages higher when it comes to the Google search engine.

It aids in the diagnosis of your website’s current status and makes recommendations accordingly. Technical data on search traffic, appearance, updates and website status can all be found with this tool. It also sends alerts on problems that your website might be facing. Additionally, it helps in making your website mobile friendly.

In all, if you want to improve your website’s performance on Google, its Search Console is one of the best tools you can use.

9. Ninja Outreach

Ninja Outreach is primarily known for influencer marketing and outreach SEO. Its bank consists of over 25 million leads, influencers, and bloggers. This way, it is easy for you to find the correct people and companies easily.

With the tool’s automatic link building feature, it is easier to grow traffic, as the tool can select the best possible links for you and incorporate them immediately. Due to all these reasons and more, Ninja Outreach is one of the best SEO tools for agencies.

10. Raven

A suite of SEO tools, Raven provides site audits, backlink data, and more. The Links Manager feature allows the managing of link status. It also shows the contacts and tasks related to all links. Further, it also notifies about any changes in active links.

You can identify backlink sources, produce white-label reports of SEO analysis, and track ranking changes with the help of Raven tools. Moreover, it is also useful in social media marketing and PPC advertising. It is in fact also a great tool for small businesses in the sense that it provides excellent features at a low cost.

11. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google’s PageSpeed Insights is an application programming interface that works for both mobile and desktop devices.

It provides two kinds of data to the user. One is lab data, which is useful for tracking the performance of the website. The other is field data, which gives real-time info which classifies the speed of the webpage as fast, average, or slow. It also suggests tips to improve web pages.

Note that this tool does not provide a complete picture of how the website is functioning. Hence, the result of page speed may vary when measured in other tools.

12. Buzzsumo

A place to find the most shared content, BuzzSumo is a popular name on the SEO tools list. Used by National Geographic, Buzzfeed, and Ogilvy, it is a tool most digital marketers use frequently.

The tool lets you check what content suits the topic you’ve chosen the best. It also compares your content with that of a competitor’s. This way, you can keep improving your game while constantly eyeing what others are doing.

Furthermore, the tool is also used for blogger outreach. It helps in filtering key influencers. It filters them by type, location, and brand so you can get in touch with the right agencies for influencer marketing.

13. Yoast

With the Yoast SEO plugin, the foremost benefit is that it is a free tool. But as with every free tool, there are limitations to the features it allows one to use for free.

Compatible for Google and Bing search engines, it provides keyword optimization, content readability check, and internal linking suggestions. Moreover, it also helps in driving traffic from social media.

14. Mozbar

Mozbar is a free Google Chrome plugin, it gives live metrics when you view any page of Google SERP. It lets you create custom searches by filtering engines, cities, or countries. It also exposes page elements, provides link metrics, and compares link metrics of different pages.

Final Words

While there are hundreds of SEO tools out there, we’ve filtered the ones we like the most. These of course, also work as SEO reporting tools for agencies as much as they work for individuals. When you’re picking a tool for your everyday tasks, evaluate on the basis of multifunctionality, time consumption and ease of usage.

We’re sure you’ll find multiple tools that can save you a lot of stress by the end of the day on this list. If you’re trying any of these, do let us know how you like them. If we’ve missed out on a tool that you love using, please do enlighten us in the comments below. Happy working to all you SEO bugs out there.

About Us

RareDevs is a web development and digital marketing agency based in Ahmedabad, India. Be it Search Engine Optimization or social media branding, we offer a wide range of services when it comes to the digital world. To know more, feel free to drop a message.



Mitesh Pandey

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