RareMint Value: Securing Physical Assets

3 min readJun 9, 2022


Imagine a highly secure, guarded, temperature-controlled subterranean vault where your physical assets are safe and protected while you enjoy the upside of your asset-backed NFT. RareMint collectible assets come in all shapes and sizes and we needed a physical vault to secure them in a safe location. To give our complete focus on project development and building our community, we partnered with a private vault company that has specialized in protecting valuable assets for almost 40 years.

At conferences and events, people ask us “Where’s the vault?” Our answer is always the same; “It’s inside the earth, protected and secure. The location is private for that reason.” This article expands on our vaulting service that is always free to RareMint 1 of 1 asset owners.

Physical Assets Are Stored In the RareMint Vault

All RareMint physical assets represented by 1 of 1 Ultra Rare NFTs are stored in our highly secure vault. Vaulted assets are protected by armed security guards, state of the art security systems, and the vault area exceeds the U.S. Bank Protection Act Specifications. With a steel vault door weighing 6,000 pounds and steel reinforced walls and floor that are 12-inches thick, the vault facility is embedded in the earth and surrounded by steel, concrete and rock. The temperature, humidity, and lighting is consistent to ensure your assets remain in the same condition as when received.

Storage and insurance for the asset is factored into the price of the initial sale and a contribution is made from royalties earned on secondary sales to support ongoing costs. RareMint practices the highest standard of care to maintain, monitor, and manage the continued value appreciation.

Features of the RareMint Vault

The asset-backed NFTs facilitate owners to reap the benefits of their collectible through asset-backed NFTs while the physical asset is secured by the RareMint Vault.

  • Absolute Security: Assets are protected with advanced security features, rigorous access controls, and full time vault guards.
  • 100% Allocated & Segregated: Assets are always physically present in the vault, safeguarded with a unique ID tag, and not owned by anyone else.
  • Independently Audited and Insured: Assets are independently insured by a third party against physical loss, damage, theft, and other liabilities. The vault is also audited quarterly by an independent third party and reports will be made available.
  • Take Possession of the Assets: If you want to physically take possession of your asset at any time, we can arrange for delivery to an address of choice. You own the asset, it’s just in our custody.
  • Easy to Buy and Sell: When a RareMint 1 of 1 NFT is bought or sold with a physical asset in our vault, it immediately transfers the asset ownership to the new account at the same facility. This is a significant time and cost advantage compared to shipping precious assets between locations or to another depository.
  • Multiple Locations: In the future, multiple vault locations will be available around the world to keep assets safe and secure.




Asset-backed collectible NFTs. Each 1/1 physical asset is stored in our secure vault. Discord: http://discord.gg/raremint Telegram: http://t.me/raremintnetwork