Why Focusing on Relationships Is Critical For Your Success

Richard Reynolds, LMFT
12 min readMar 7, 2018


We live in a world where it is incredibly easy to find good, sound advice about how to be successful.

From books, blog posts, and Youtube videos to podcasts, seminars, and conferences, there is no shortage of good advice, principles, and rules about how you need to think, feel, and act to take your life to the next level.

I’m a big fan of this stuff. It is helping me reshape my life.

That said, most of this advice (at least, in my experience) is focused on your individual psychology or how to manage your environment. While this is incredibly helpful, too much focus on yourself can be problematic because it can cause you to ignore your social/relational context.

Your social context matters

The thing is, a change that happens in isolation or disconnected from your social context usually isn’t very effective or sustainable.

Consider this, a few years ago I worked at a residential treatment center for teen-aged girls. One of the most heart-wrenching parts of the job was watching those girls go home, either for home visits or when they had successfully completed the program.

It was hard because going home for them usually involved some level of relapse.



Richard Reynolds, LMFT

Therapist | Entrepreneur | I want to help you feel empowered about your mental health