Balancing Work and Hobbies as a Software Engineer : almost a decade of trying to balance.

Mohamed Rashad
3 min readApr 8, 2023


As a software engineer, it can be challenging to balance the demands of work with the desire to pursue hobbies and other interests. However, finding a healthy balance is essential for maintaining overall well-being and achieving long-term success in both work and personal pursuits.

Also with the rise of remote work after the pandemic, focusing on mental wellbeing will delivering high quality work became a good rising trend.

As a software engineer, who worked remotely or hybrid for the past 8–9 years, I had the privilege to explore some hobbies on the side, and evolve as a person, specifically cooking, reading and travelling, and here are my formula to balance as possible between them and also some notes from my experience.

Set boundaries

One of the biggest challenges of working remotely is that it can blur the lines between work and personal time. To avoid burnout and ensure that you have time for your hobbies, it’s important to set clear boundaries between your work and personal life. This might mean setting specific work hours, turning off notifications outside of those hours, or setting aside specific times each day for hobbies and leisure activities.

I know for a fact that software engineering work is demanding, also it’s exciting, you can get hyperfixated for hours over some bug or something to study, but it’s even good for your focus and being in the flow, to actually set boundaries between work and free/hobby time, it acts as a refreshment to your mind, and I can’t count the times where even a simple walk freshened my mind.

Be flexible

While setting boundaries is important, also flexibility is important, and remote work can be unpredictable, and there may be times when you need to work outside of your normal hours or shift your schedule around to accommodate deadlines or unexpected events, especially . By staying flexible, you’ll be better able to balance your work and hobbies and avoid getting too stressed or overwhelmed.. make sure to compensate your overtime working by treating yourself to doing something coolfrom time to time.

Integrate your hobbies inside your routine

This one is hard, but to ensure that you have time for your hobbies, it can be helpful to schedule specific times each day or week to pursue them. for example I cook almost everyday, read weekly and try to save for travelling from time to time. By scheduling time for your hobbies, you’ll be more likely to stick to them and make them a priority in your life. Also you’ll be more conscious about points 1 & 2.

Manage your free time optimally

As with any job, software engineering is no difference, there will be times when work demands more of your time and energy. During these times, it’s important to prioritize your work and put your hobbies on hold temporarily. Similarly, when you have free time, make a conscious effort to prioritize your hobbies and give them the attention they deserve. When having some free time, try to be proactive about how to spend it on your hobbies, and I’m sure scrolling tiktok for 3 hours is a not a hobby you want to do :)

Final Words

Remote work can be a bless or a curse, depending on how you make use of the privillege that you have. If utilized correctly, you’ll be more productive, delivering more business value, and also enjoying life to the max. If you didn’t use it correctly, it will be turned against you, and you’ll end up burnt out.

