8 Time-Saving Tips Every iOS Developer Needs to Know

Rashad Shirizada
5 min readJun 20, 2022
Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

iOS development can be time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be hard work. With the right tools and techniques, you can save time on routine tasks and boost your productivity, so you have more free time to work on your game ideas. Here are eight iOS development tips that every developer should know — even those who’ve been working with the platform for years!

1. Reduce Friction with Extensions

One of my favorite time-saving tips for iOS developers is to leverage extensions. By combining a few simple tasks, you can create a unified experience for your users. The key is to group different interactions into one step: For example, by adding an action extension with a custom URL scheme and linking it with a functionality built into your app, you can give users direct access to part of your app without having to leave what they’re currently doing. An action extension also lets you surface content that may not fit directly in your main app’s flow (such as trending headlines or more information about something mentioned in an existing document), so consider making one if it makes sense for your project.

2. Use Storyboards

Storyboards make it easy for an entire team of developers and designers to sit around a table and create a product together. With…

