The Top 9 Most Useful Swift Libraries You Should Know About

Rashad Shirizada
5 min readJun 23, 2022
Photo by iMattSmart on Unsplash

What separates the good apps from the great ones? The truth is, it’s often not that hard to write something functional in Swift or any other programming language — but what really takes an app from decent to amazing are those details that make it more usable, more polished, and more fun to use. These details aren’t often easy to implement, especially if you don’t have the right libraries at your disposal. Luckily, there are plenty of useful Swift libraries out there that you can take advantage of as soon as possible — here are some of our favorites!

1. Alamofire

Alamofire is a great HTTP networking library that makes working with APIs in Swift a breeze. It was originally written by Matt Thompson and it has grown to be one of my favorite tools for dealing with APIs. Using Alamofire, you can work with JSON data returned from an API without much effort at all. Alamofire’s usage is similar to AFNetworking, but I’ve found that it’s simpler to use and understand than its competitor, which is saying something given how popular AFNetworking is! If you’re going to deal with APIs in your Swift app, you should definitely check out Alamofire.

2. Moya

Easy JSON Networking for iOS and macOS. Moya is a networking library built on top of NSURLSession and designed to…

