Why You Should Use Xcode Instruments in Your iOS Apps

Rashad Shirizada
7 min readJun 15, 2022
Photo by Barn Images on Unsplash

Xcode’s built-in development instruments are powerful tools that allow you to debug and tweak your iOS apps without digging deep into the code. This allows you to focus on the important things such as designing and developing the user interface (UI), debugging, improving the user experience (UX), and more. In this article, we’ll look at some of the available instruments in Xcode and how they can help improve your app’s functionality and its performance. For example, Xcode has an instrument called Leaks that shows you memory leaks in your app so you can quickly fix them before they become big problems.

Xcode Tools

One of Apple’s greatest gifts to developers is their Xcode Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It allows you to write apps for Apple’s platforms and even run them on your device. With all its amazing features, however, it can be overwhelming for new and intermediate users alike. A powerful tool that gets lost in all those great tools is Instruments. But why do you need it? Which problems can it solve? Let’s take a look!

Runtime View

The main screen, where you run and monitor your app. By default, it shows a list of running apps and details about each one. Click any app to see its call stack, for example. Or click All Processes to show a list of…

