The Art of Making Do: A Pragmatic Approach to Consumption

Rashi Bilash | Psychologist
3 min readJan 9, 2024


We live in an age of abundance, surrounded by an array of choices that promise to elevate our lifestyles. From the latest gadgets to trendy fashion, the pressure to keep up with the ever-evolving consumer landscape is palpable. However, amidst this sea of choices, it becomes imperative for Indian adults to recognize the value of making do.

Consumerism fosters a culture of instant gratification and disposability. We buy, we use, we discard — it’s a cycle that fuels economic growth but also contributes to waste and environmental degradation. In a nation as diverse and culturally rich as India, making do is not just a personal choice; it’s a collective responsibility.

Consumerism tends to also externalize our locus of control. The notion that happiness lies in material possessions shifts our focus from internal factors, such as personal growth and relationships, to external factors that are often beyond our control. This external locus of control can impact our self-esteem and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

Sociologically, the consequences are equally noteworthy. Excessive consumerism perpetuates a culture of waste, with environmental repercussions that extend far beyond our immediate surroundings. Embracing the art of making do gives us a sense of responsibility towards the environment and our societal resources.

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances are bound to change. Cultivating the habit of making do equips us with a valuable adaptive advantage. Whether faced with economic uncertainties, unexpected challenges, or shifts in personal priorities, the ability to adapt and make the most of available resources becomes a resilient life skill.

In a society that often equates success with material wealth, those who choose to practice the art of making do might face judgment. However, the tide is turning. The shift towards mindful living and sustainability is gaining momentum, challenging traditional notions of success. People are beginning to appreciate the richness of experiences and relationships over material possessions.

Practical Tips for Embracing the Art of Making Do

  1. Mindful Reflection: Before succumbing to the allure of a new purchase, take a moment to reflect on whether it’s a genuine necessity or a fleeting desire.
  2. Quality Over Quantity: Invest in durable, timeless items that may cost more initially but prove to be economical in the long run.
  3. DIY Solutions: Explore the world of do-it-yourself solutions for everyday problems. You’ll be surprised at the satisfaction derived from creating something with your own hands.
  4. Community Sharing: In the spirit of our communal culture, consider sharing resources with friends or family. This not only reduces individual expenses but also strengthens social bonds.

In the complex choices that life presents, embracing the art of making do is not a sign of compromise but a testament to resilience and wisdom. It involves a conscious effort to align our choices with our values, fostering a healthier mindset toward consumerism. As young adults navigating the labyrinth of options, it’s crucial to recognize the impact of our choices on our mental well-being, finances, locus of control, and the environment.

Choosing a path that prioritizes meaning over materialism is not a rejection of progress but a step towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

So, the next time you find yourself enticed by the latest trends, pause and reflect. Ask yourself, does this choice align with my values? Will it contribute to my well-being in the long run? In a world that encourages endless consumption, mastering the art of making do is a powerful tool for crafting a life that resonates with authenticity and purpose.

Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences on this topic on Instagram @rashi.bilash. Let’s continue this conversation and untangle the complexities together.



Rashi Bilash | Psychologist

I'm Rashi, your friendly neighborhood psychologist 🧠💬. Join me on a journey to explore the fascinating realms of the mind.