A line in the line of sight: Day 02

Rashi Karanpuria
3 min readJul 22, 2017

It is day 02 and I have started exploring the basic elements of design. After learning how deep a simple image like that in the book Picture This: How Pictures Work can affect our emotions and our thoughts, and how much power we as designers have in creating experiences just by simple elements like lines, shapes and color as was the case in the book. I also realised there is so much to learn and, it is time to start with the basics.

So I started with line a very basic element of design but so powerful and so complete in itself in conveying messages, that you will be amazed. Who would have thought how much meanings and visual grammar a simple thing as a line can contain. I read about how we can use lines to divide elements or give a texture or give a sense of motion or aspiration or for that matter stability and a s much more just changing the alignment, thickness and form of the line. And the colors are yet to come.

There are many different types line and many different motivations to use them contour, dividing, gesture, decoration etc. Just think about how much we are conveying and evoking in the viewer just by a line. Makes me think about the power we have to convey, the thoughts and emotions just by a basic simple element. That is the power, isn’t it? The power that we are all looking for. The power to convey emotions and affect thoughts without even…

