An open letter to my future son and daughter: Everything I wished to know in my 20s

(Rasheed Abdullateef Billal Jr)

Rashidi Abdullateef Bilal


Dear son and my beloved daughter,

On this day of August 23,2041 it marks twenty years since I wrote this letter to you. I did this before you were born so that to give you all of youthful thinking that may help you in your 20s. As you read this just keenly understand as your father here below is the list of 13 things I would like you to honor and abide to as you keep growing up;

1.Never ask anything in return after helping someone. Please never force people to be grateful. Gratitude is like prayers, you don’t force someone to pray that good things happen to you too after helping them out. Play your part and chill, Karma know what are better ways to repay you.

2. Everything changes over time only God remain the same for good. If you can keep the promises that's good of you, but better understanding that not all people can do that and it's fine. People and everything around with time change and those changes always end up favouring some and hurt others. Am believer and what I understand is that only God stay true on every situation.

3:God love you so much, he won’t be placing you on any situation that you can’t handle. Any hardship mean to prepare you for what you asked for or to test you if you real want what you prayed for. "Pressure make diamonds" .God will never test you beyond what you can handle.

4: You are not doing what you are doing so your parents, family and friends can be pleased. You do what you are doing so to build the life that you want. It's okay if someone don't understand your process, keep grinding anyway. In the end, they will be loving it if you make it. If you fail there will be no one to blame too as there will be a lot of lessons to be proud of.

5:It takes hardworking rather than intelligence to accomplish anything remarkable in this life as many things that can propel us forward don’t require such higher IQ as we think sometimes , frankly, Don’t need high intelligence to get up early and follow your schedule instead consistence , intense focus and work ethics are traits which saves a lot (Still doubting the measures of intelligence we use.)

6: Commit to becoming student of life always ask a lot, so you deliver even beyond your promises. You won’t be knowing everything here on Earth, but you can only learn a lot if you only agree that you don’t know much. Always my beloved children try to under promise but deliver beyond everyone expectations.

8:To dream big and fail isn't the same as dreaming small and achieve. If set your limits too low you always pass the mark and nothing really challenge you to grow. But if you dream big all those hours you spend, all those parts and Friday outing night you skip so you work on your dreams won't be just dusted in the end. You may fail yes, to reach your big goal but what you'll achieve in the process will be even more potential and useful.

9: Be selective "ignorant", ignore unnecessary fights, arguments, topics those don't resonate with you. Ignore those kind of people who think they know everything. Ignore those who bring problem over every solution. Mostly, ignore being ignored.

10:Anything you need to manipulate to keep will leave eventually, so if you find that you are using too much energy to keep someone in your life you better let them go. The harder you hold onto people the faster they slip away.

11. Never Go looking for love let it find you, no need to rush let it suprise you. Let beautiful things find their way to you, rather than chasing them. Never rush anything that you wish to stay forever.

12. Respect is not something that you can be given for free rather you earn it. Through your hardworking,determination, discipline and importantly it’s all about what you achieve in the end and what you can offer to others.

13.Never tell a process show them your results. That’s how you limit your ego and increase your desire to do better in this life.

My beloved son and daughter Hope you revisit this advice over and over till you understand it.
With all love♥️♥️
Your daddy, Bill.



Rashidi Abdullateef Bilal

Writer, scientist, avid reader and personal development enthusiast who believes clear thoughts can be achieved in this chaotic world.