What are the Current Challenge Facing by Cryptocurrency

2 min readApr 13, 2023


One of the current challenges facing cryptocurrencies is their lack of mainstream adoption and acceptance as a legitimate form of currency. While some businesses and individuals have embraced cryptocurrencies, many others remain skeptical or even hostile towards them.

Another challenge is the issue of regulation. Many governments and financial institutions have expressed concerns about the potential use of cryptocurrencies for illegal activities such as money laundering and tax evasion. This has led to varying degrees of regulation in different countries, which can create uncertainty for users and businesses operating in the cryptocurrency space.

In addition, cryptocurrencies are still subject to significant price volatility, which can make them a risky investment for some individuals. This volatility can be caused by a range of factors, including market speculation, regulatory changes, and technical issues with the underlying technology.

Finally, there are concerns about the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies, particularly those that use the proof-of-work consensus mechanism. This process requires a significant amount of computational power and energy, which can contribute to carbon emissions and other environmental issues.

Must Know:-

As with any investment or financial tool, it’s important to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks before investing or using cryptocurrencies. Their are budding crypto preneour and startups who want to start their own cryptocurrency exchange platform business in 2023, One of the Top Crypto Exchange Platform is NavExM .

NavExM is the next-generation crypto exchange which aims to provide a
transaction-free trading platform with unimaginable cashback rewards on each trade.
The cashback will be provided in the form of NavC tokens, and the unique AMM (Automated Market Maker)of the exchange makes it an excellent asset. The Market Maker of NavExM will ensure that every trade on the exchange route through its native utility token itself encapsulates the traded pair value leading to value appreciation of the token with each trade.

