7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Use ChatGPT For Your Blog

Rashmi Pandey
5 min readAug 28, 2023


Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ve noticed how ChatGPT has become popular. Even large companies such as BuzzFeed are using it to create content. Also, many bloggers, writers, and content creators admit to generating content for their websites with the help of ChatGPT.

However, there are certain reasons why you should not use ChatGPT for your blog unless you want to see your website slowly climb down SERPs. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven reasons why ChatGPT may not be the best choice for your blog.

1. ChatGPT Has Limited Creativity

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

One of the biggest drawbacks of using ChatGPT for your blogs and articles is the limited creativity it offers. Although ChatGPT can generate content on a wide range of topics, It often lacks the originality and creativity that comes with human writing.

Pretty normal right? That happens because it relies on pre-existing content and data to generate its output. So it can’t produce anything new under the sun. As a result, your blog may end up with generic and unremarkable content that fails to stand out and connect with your audience.

2. ChatGPT Lacks Personal Touch

Photo by Katie Rainbow 🏳️‍🌈 on Unsplash

When you write the content yourself, you can infuse it with your personality, experience, and writing style. This helps to build a connection with your audience. But when you build it with ChatGPT, there’s no personality in there. A ghost cannot have a personality. Neither can ChatGPT.

The articles generated with the help of ChatGPT feel robotic and impersonal. It will create more generalized content without the personal touch. This will make it difficult for your readers to relate to your content and engage with your brand. You might lose your audience, and your hair will fall together with your views from stress.

3. You Risk Getting Pargiarised Content

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ChatGPT analyzes existing content to produce your content, like a sloppy chef with loose hair. (Good Luck With That!) Therefore the risks of plagiarism are high. If ChatGPT generates content that is too similar to existing content, your blog could be flagged for plagiarism, which can harm your reputation and credibility.

This is especially true if you’re using ChatGPT to generate large amounts of content, as it increases the likelihood of plagiarism. remember that you’re not the only person asking our beloved ChatGPT to generate content on the same topic.

4. You Risk Getting Inaccurate Information

While ChatGPT is capable of generating content on a wide range of topics, it is not infallible. In some cases, the information it generates may be inaccurate or incomplete. So, if you’re relying on ChatGPT to generate content for your blog, it can result in misinformation being published on your site.

Your reputation and credibility are at risk, and you may even face legal issues if the information is particularly damaging or incorrect. You need to use ChatGPT wisely because it can help you to build but it can destroy what you have built.

5. The Generated Content doesn’t Go Under Quality Control

Another issue with using the ChatGPT for your blog is the lack of quality control. When you write the content yourself, you have control over the quality of the content, including grammar, syntax, and spelling. However, with ChatGPT, you have less control over the quality of the output.

While ChatGPT does have some basic grammar and spelling checks, it is not as accurate as a human editor. And if you start editing the content paragraph by paragraph, you might as well have written it will consume you the same amount of time.

6. It’s Difficult To SEO-Optimize The Content

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Search engine optimization is crucial for the success of any blog. However, optimizing content generated by ChatGPT for SEO can be challenging. It’s challenging to produce content that’s of high quality and it includes the proper keywords naturally with ChatGPT.

In the end, your traffic might result in low traffic to your blog and reduce visibility in your niche. Plus, don’t forget that Google is constantly scrutinizing your content for quality, originality, and rich keyword density, and if these elements aren’t in your articles, it could spell the end for your website traffic.

7.ChatGPT-Generated Content Doesn’t Encourage Engagement

Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

Finally, using ChatGPT to generate content for your blog can result in a lack of engagement. the AI-generated content may fail to elicit a response or spark a conversation with your readers. What does it mean? It means no comments, shares, or other forms of engagement that are essential for building a loyal readership and establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.

Readers want to read your opinions and arguments, and they can sense a regurgitated piece of content from miles away. Don’t forget that if your content doesn’t encourage engagement, it has flopped. No reads and no views equal a failed investment. you have better luck hiring dirty cheap writers for $0.01/word.

Final Words

In conclusion, while ChatGPT has advantages, it is not the best solution for bloggers looking to create original, engaging, and SEO-optimized content. So hire a skilled writer, and if you can’t afford one, write the content yourself. Quality over quantity.

By creating your content from scratch, you can ensure that it reflects your personality, style, and voice. Or even if you’re not creating it from scratch, writing it by yourself makes it more relatable which will win you more loyal readers.



Rashmi Pandey

I am a creative content writer and a storyteller. Email: @rashmipandey2010.rp@gmail.com. Follow me: https://www.youtube.com/@myexoticbeautifullife/featured