Beyond Traditional Oracles : Why Oraichain’s AI Oracle Unique?

2 min readMar 24, 2024


What does @Oraichain‘s AI Oracle bring to the table that other Oracles such as $LINK can’t?

Let’s dive into this brief exploration!

Traditional oracles like Chainlink focus on :

  • Aggregating and validating data from trusted sources for smart contracts

Oraichain enhances blockchain oracles with a unique AI layer to overcome a specific challenge :

Problem : Today’s AI and automation tools are facing a serious lack of trust The danger is multiplied tenfold when more and more widespread AI agents are entrusted to execute financial actions in DeFi

Solution : Oraichain’s Oracle AI provides a simple system that allows any AI model using an API to :

  • Onboard the oracle
  • Provide test cases for backtesting/benchmarking

Conclusion : The AI Oracle is the key link in making AI and data reliability transparent for everyone This is a universal decentralization point, compatible with any AI model, whether it is :

  • Open source
  • Closed source
  • Centralized

Decentralized This extra step of AI model surveillance and benchmarking guarantees the data and AI are :

  • Reliable
  • Unbiased
  • Trustworthy

Oraichain’s AI Oracle can do things Chainlink can’t do straightforwardly

It opens doors to more advanced and AI-specific applications in the blockchain world!

Note: Regarding the unique value proposition offered by Oraichain’s technology, and the networking work done by @TyreeRobinson (Head of Ecosystem) at ETH Denver : I won’t be surprised if several partnerships are announced in the coming weeks

