Exploring the meaning of the Ankh in Rastafari

2 min readSep 4, 2016


The true meaning behind the symbol of the Ankh in Rastafari. What is it’s origin, and what can we learn from it?

The Ankh is both a symbolic and eternal representation life itself. Some also interpret the ankh as a powerful symbol of the “Original Cross” or “Key of Livity,” which was created by Africans in Ancient Egypt. The Ankh represents life, and further Livity. This can be interpreted to be the power to both give and sustain life, and also encompasses material substances such as water, air, and sun.

In ancient stories, anyone who possessed an Ankh obtained immortality. The energy which radiates from the Ankh is said to have an effect on all people within close proximity. Therefore, possessing an Ankh (such as in the form of an amulet), protects one from evil forces and decay in life.

When observing the symbol, the loop serves to represent the womb of a woman. The elongated section then represents the penis. Together, in unification, the two p

arts carry the ability to create life. Many believe that this power of creation and unification will protect them from destruction from aging in life.

Other interpretations cite the Ankh as a symbol of health, stability, power, endurance and prosperity. So, while it may carry the significance of life,
the Ankh and it’s power extends beyond just this. In simplistic terms, the symbol remains one of male and female unification, and ultimately birth. However, in a grand scheme, the birth of more abstract aspects of life (new opportunity, creativity, etc) all relate back to this idea.


