Private Beta out!

2 min readMar 16, 2015


Great news for all renters, we have officially launched our private beta.
This means that you can now browse for properties more efficiently and choose your next home like a property expert (without having to be one).

If you are new to ratedrents, here is a brief explanation of what we do:
Simply put, we study and rate every property you would find on Zoopla, allowing you to instantly spot the best deals around without the hassle of manually comparing tens of properties yourself to grasp what the market offers.
How we do this.
We know what your neighbours pay for their homes even before you have moved in the area (thank the power of data for this) and we combine this information with other useful insights to produce our best valuations, so that you can choose the best home for yourself (and your budget).

Instantly spot good deals

As the title says, we are now running a private beta which will help us understand what YOU really expect from ratedrents and let us collect data to improve the secret sauce for our valuations.
If you are curious or actually looking for a new home in London (other cities coming soon!), you can try ratedrents now — it is FREE and with no registration needed for the first few property searches.

We would love to hear all your feedback, curses or thanks. Do this on our Facebook page or via email




We are an online rent discovery tool that helps tenants see the true rental value of any property in the UK through comparisons via our smart search algorithm.