How to Find Inner Peace Through Nature

Rathi Vinod
5 min readAug 26, 2020

It’s safe to say we could all use more peace and calm in our lives, now more than ever. While many of life’s challenging circumstances tend to be outside of our control, I’d like to share my story of finding internal calm through the chaos and some tips on how you can too.

How Nature Sparked My Journey To a More Present and Peaceful Life

The first time I can vividly recall experiencing inner peace and serenity was a couple of years back when I decided to take the day off work and go on a spontaneous solo hiking adventure at a nearby national park. The catalyst for this was due to some significant changes underway in my personal life, which triggered a marathon of anxious thoughts in my mind.

This was one of the first times I had ventured out to a national park on my own, with only one objective in mind: to disconnect from technology and fully immerse myself in the experience. I realized during this adventure that I generally went hiking as a social activity and rarely took advantage of exploring nature as a means of therapeutic relief.

I embarked on the trail at a leisurely pace, making a conscious effort to fully absorb myself in the beauty of my surroundings. The hours and miles seemed to escape me as I ventured on the mountainous terrain, appreciating…



Rathi Vinod

Passionate about mindful living, self development, and spiritual growth. Hoping to spark some inspiration to help others live a more grounded life.