VIP Play like the maiden love like the mother think like the crone poster

4 min readSep 29, 2020


“I don’t know when I will know how to worry about my future!”. My mother says that every time I come home from spending the night with friends.
I dropped my dream 20 years old, I learned to dream! At 20, I am looking for a way out

Buy it here: Play like the maiden love like the mother think like the crone poster

I was waiting for my college transcript at the time and I allowed myself the freedom to play to make up for the days when I was studying for my parents.

I think when I have fun like that I live for myself. And I slipped … During a race, a friend of mine fell and he was forever in a wheelchair. Plus, the bad news was that I failed college again. Those two shocks were like a blow to me. Never had I thought anything like that terrible would happen to me. But … For the first time ever, I was faced with reality, with thoughts that tore me apart.

I lock myself in my room, don’t meet anyone, and think with peace of mind what I’ve done, I’m bad to be irresponsible to myself. How sad that made my parents. As time went by, watching the rush of people, I suddenly realized that only I was standing still. I suddenly thought about what if one day, I no longer have the opportunity to do the things I like like my friend. I understand that it takes personal responsibility to be responsible for others.

“I will live to the fullest every day because maybe tomorrow I will not be in this world anymore”. I stuck it up in front of my desk and started thinking what I really want and what I like. I think it is a mistake to always wait for opportunities to come. Sit down and write down what I want, what I need to do to do it. And I started from exam review class.

Live responsibly yourself. I used to love traveling, so I wanted to become a professional writer. But I have not done anything to fulfill that dream. My friends were amazed that I was no longer playing the game for pointless outings or hanging out from place to place.

The more I study, the more I realize that I have so much left to do, I find time is always short of time. To take responsibility for myself, my actions are serious, and life is truly meaningful. My life, my future is mine and more than anyone else I decide it.

I was very happy that my short stories were published in the newspaper, followed by small social reports. I am both a student and a reporter in training. To me, this means a lot, because I know my change has a positive effect. And passionate about my successes, I want to go more, to know more about the outside world while I continue to ensure my studies in the university lecture hall.

By the age of twenty I had achieved many successes and mistakes were many but I was brave enough to overcome it. All is my own effort, my best efforts starting from changing thoughts, changing thoughts, being myself. The most important thing is “living to the fullest every day for what I dream of”.

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