Can A.I. may replace humanity ?

5 min readDec 9, 2015


Based on my own experience, I used to watch a very thick fat TV screen with only a few channels available in order to catch up the trend and news. I used to wait to talk with my friend at school to catch up about their holiday. It was just 20 years ago everything has change and time flies. Technology becomes an important part in my life more than I could imagine which turn my world smaller as I know what is going on in different side of the world by just a click on my phone. When I was a kid, I have seen a lot of robot that look like a human such as A.I., The Matrix and the terminator movie. After the movie I felt like it is impossible. However, when I get older I realized it that everything becomes more and more real. According to the article in Contagious Magazine about the world’s trend in 2015. I interested on the artificial intelligence (AI) topic that will human be replace by robot or other artificial intelligence machine? They have mentioned that

“Hollywood also stoked fears from Ex Machine to Avengers: Age of Ultron, box-office hits played on the theme of AI gone bad and robots taking on humanity.”

This article reminded me of the movie that name “Her” movie, about a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with his newly purchased operating system that’s designed to meet his requirements. This movie represents a modern world, which is a romantic drama movie but its quite depress and desperate about his lifestyle. I wondering that should human end up with the OS system than an actual human? In my point of view, there are different aspects as the AI could be replace humanity in some way and some how which will result in lose of job because of it. However, there is possibility that human is able to manage how machines operate. On average, human does experienced machinery works of his or her own such as personal car or computer. Though, handling over large machine systems is responsible by professionals. Since there are better techniques, which allows best one to have more control over the crowd. Moreover, works done by human will not be needed so there will be more unwanted crowd. In case the best one is brutal, there will be elimination of human labors. If there are humanitarian, there will be ways of slowing down the rate of human birth based on propaganda or psychological or biological methods. This may later cause extinction in human population. The elite will now run the world. Another possibility is that the elite may play a good person role and satisfied other people’s physical needs. The ones who are unsatisfied will face some treatments. As the result, people’s lives will become meaningless since they will be structured either biologically or psychologically engineered. This is done so that people need of power get rid of. These kinds of people who are being structured by engineers may have a happy life but there will be some limitation of how they live their life. They can be referred as domestic animals.

According to the article said that the up close and personal topic, they mentioned the virtual personal assistances (VPAs) such as Siri from Apple, google now from google and Echo from Amazon. The brands were competition about to launch a new product with this system was mentioned. As a millennial, I do not like this system due to the performance and quality of the system. I have used this product for a while and learned some new feathers that has provided but it turns out that I did not use them as much as I expected. Therefore, the interaction between human and robot or cutting edge technology product is very important and need to take into account.

Human and Robot interaction (HRI) has began since 1971 as the first PC computer had launched, In 1973 when was the first commercial mobile phone was introduced and in 1995 the early service robot has came out into the market. Later that 13 years, more than 7.3 million service robots sold all over the world. According to the article that Korean government aims to a robot in every home by 2020. Therefore, the interaction between human and robot has played an important role in this century. Therefore, there is no surprise that the VPAa start making decisions for you and the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.

There are service robots from different cultures such as UWE’s Heart robot from the UK (2008), TMSUK’s shopping robot from Japan (2008), ITRI’s Home service from Taiwan (2009) and NASA and GM’s Robonaut2 from USA (2010). However, difference aspects need to be considered when human and robot interact to each other such as express and/or perceive emotions, communicate with high level dialogue, learn/recognize models of other agents, may learn or develop social competencies, exhibit distinctive personality and character and establish or maintain social relationships.

Moreover, there are several human and robot interaction design issues such personality of the robot, learning issue, gender, social presence and ability to develop, mental model and appearance. According to Breazeal (2002), People prefer to interact with a robot that manifests a compelling personality and a personality-rich robot can reduce its user’s cognitive loads in human and robot interaction and makes it possible for the users to predict the robot’s behaviors in novel situation. Moreover, the socially guided learning or decision-making has the structure of the learning task with timely feedback and guidance that the learner aids the instructor by expressing his or her current understanding through demonstration and using a rich variety of communication acts such as facial expressions, gestures, shared attention and dialog, which can be learnt by tutelage, imitation and by social referencing. The tendency to use the emotional reaction of another to help from one’ own affective appraisal of a novel situation, which is them used to guide subsequent behavior.

Furthermore, human gender and attitude to robots might have a big influence to their decision as sex segregation may shape how people make sense of their work worlds and of technologies with them. The appearance such as gender, age, nationality, man-like, machine-like has an influence on people’ response and the influence vary when the task is different. Structure of sex segregation might actually lead to embedding of gendered structures into what might appear to be gender neutral situations and objects based on some experiments revealed the interaction between task structure (cooperative/competitive) and gender when people evaluate robots.

All in all, trust is a big issue between human and robot interaction such as our general expectation of the persistence of the natural physical order, the natural biological order, and the moral social order. Also, the expectation of the technically competent role performance from those involved with us in social relations and systems. Therefore, as cutting edge technology products such as robot and intelligent machine have play an important role nowadays, there are many aspects that should to be considered when the robot or machine start making decisions for human or even replace humanity.

