There Are Cool Job Options After College That Aren’t Consulting (Or Finance)

5 Recent Graduates Pursuing Varied Entry-Level Opportunities

Ratna Gill
Social Sector Stories


As on-campus recruiting season rolls around, college students everywhere are flocking to apply for jobs in a sector they hadn’t heard of a few years ago. Especially for a generation intrigued by optionality, the structured recruiting process and fabled perks of consulting are very alluring.

These are indeed great benefits, and there exists a whole web of other career options that are exciting and fulfilling and may be a better fit depending on what kind of lifestyle you’re looking for after college. I don’t mean to suggest that other sectors are any less competitive or demanding than consulting and finance — recruiting in other sectors can be difficult to navigate for different reasons — rather, I just want to remind you that you have options.

In the first piece of this series, I interview a few of my colleagues from college who have embarked on careers in fields other than consulting and finance after graduating.

Alex Hem, Operations Executive Analyst at AeroFarms (Newark, NJ)



Ratna Gill
Social Sector Stories

Passionate about advancing equity | Formerly Head of Comms @Aangan_Trust