Ratna Savitri
4 min readSep 12, 2020


Apple Stem Cell or Applesc is Biogreen Science’s first product, it has been phenomenal because of its extraordinary benefits and you will feel the benefits from the initial period of consumption.

The main benefit of Applesc is to normalize body regulation, which is done by:

1. Regenerates cells

2. Repairs damaged cells

3. Activates sleeping cells


1. PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica

Malus Domestica known as Uttwiler Spätlauber apple stem cell extract developed using a tissue culture method so that it can be taken orally and is clinically proven to be beneficial for humans. The Uttwiler Spätlauber apple is a variety of apples that grows in the Alps in northern Switzerland, and is a rare variety today. These apples are known for their extraordinary ability to repair themselves and can be stored for long periods of time, without wilting or losing their taste, thanks to their long-lived stem cells. This longevity factor is of particular interest to Mibelle Biochemistry researchers to research this apple.

Clinical trials prove that this apple stem cell extract can reduce wrinkles within one month, can protect cells from UV damage, lengthen hair follicles, also increase body resistance so that cancer cells do not easily grow in your body.

2. PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis

Solar Vitis effectively protects epidermal stem cells from UV stress and also from skin aging caused by the sun. PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis increases the vitality and efficiency of all essential skin cells, and increases skin resistance.

Because skin cells are protected, chronological aging and aging caused by light can be delayed, skin cell vitality is extended, and skin appearance is preserved so that you look younger and beautiful.

3. L-Glutathione

Glutathione, known as “the mother of all antioxidants”, is a cleanser for the body from free radicals, toxins, heavy metals, and alcohol. That’s why people who get drunk on alcohol will wake up after consuming Applesc. Also people with impaired liver function will be helped. Apart from its extraordinary benefits in terms of health, glutathione also has beauty benefits, often used as a skin lightener.

4. Hydrolyzed Collagen (from Fish)

Oral consumption of hydrolyzed collagen along with vitamin C and glucosamine will increase skin moisture, and smooth skin. This allows for an increase in collagen density and fibroblast density (the main cells of the dermis), so that the skin appears more supple and youthful.

5. Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic acid is an organic compound that occurs naturally and has antioxidant properties. Ascorbic acid is one of the (“vitamers”) of vitamin C. Vitamin C functions to maintain the body’s resistance so that it does not get sick easily.

6. Stevia

Stevia is a plant that is used as a natural sweetener without calories. Although calorie free, this plant tastes 200 times sweeter than regular sugar.


  1. Overcoming various skin problems such as: Acne, Spots, Dull Skin, Wrinkles, Skin Scars, Allergies, Sensitive Skin, etc.
  2. Helps overcome problems related to asthma, lungs, sinusitis.
  3. Helps overcome problems related to the heart.
  4. Helps overcome problems related to the pancreas (diabetes)
  5. Helps to overcome problems related to the liver (SGPT, SGOT, Gamma GT)
  6. Helps overcome problems related to the kidneys
  7. Helps overcome problems related to blood, decreased platelets
  8. Helps overcome problems related to digestion, ulcers
  9. Helps overcome problems related to blood vessels (stroke and high blood pressure)
  10. Helps overcome problems related to the Brain (Parkinson’s)
  11. Increase the quantity of breast milk
  12. Helps improve health in children
  13. Helps speed up recovery in thrush
Ratna Savitri

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