Stepping Stone for Management Principles

Rodney Arion Jaiden Ullah
3 min readApr 29, 2022


Management Principles are the activities that plan, organize, and control the operation. Simplistic elements of the operation are the people (employees), materials (equipment, systems, product, and the like), methods (training manuals, policies, and procedures), money and markets. By providing the direction of the company and providing leadership to your peers and employees, together you can achieve your business objectives, goals, or business model.

One Minute Manager gives managers three simple secrets, which take 60 seconds or less to complete, but can exponentially improve how they (employees) are able to complete their jobs. The goal is getting people to stay motivated, bring about happiness in the job, and to start or continue to deliver upon an exceptional performance.

The story is simply about a young man who has been looking globally for a great manager to work for and to learn from. When this young man finally discovers this great manager, he comes to find out that he is called the “One Minute Manager”. This young man sets out on a journey to discover why this great manager is called a “One Minute Manager”, by interviewing some of this great managers’, managers.

He discovers three secrets, one by one from each of these managers that he meets with.

Secret #1: “One Minute Goals”

For this to be effective people must know exactly what their goals are and what this success looks like. These goals are defined as something that can be reviewed daily in less than a minute. It’s important to monitor the results to catch them doing something right.

This takes us to Secret #2: “One Minute Praising’s”

Most people never know how they are performing, so they don’t know if or how they can improve. Leaders shouldn’t wait for a performance review to provide feedback as it may be overshadowed or forgotten. A praise should be no more than a minute.

This leads us to our final secret.

Secret #3: “One Minute Reprimands”

The key to this secret is to provide feedback in a timely manner when people make mistakes or do something wrong, and they are caught. This too should be completed in a minute or less and not done during an annual performance review.

The endgame of One Minute Manager is to empower people to self-manage and to be happy so that we don’t have to micromanage them. By self-empowering, it would leave “free time” to self-plan and drive results for the business. This would make more time to live a full life and be less stressed.

So, how can we use these three secrets in Management Principles? We can use these three secrets in Management Principles to empower our employees to always do what’s right. If we can create or incorporate this into the company’s culture, then results should be exceeded, people always happy, and greater productivity. Everyone would then be able to be their own “One Minute Manager”. This is a foundation in the immediate environment. To set small goals in any industry, can make an enormous undertaking seem simple, as we have slowly been chipping away at it.

Reinforcing and correcting mistakes when they are made will create a stronger company and stronger employees. By enhancing the elements of the organization, it will allow for, its people, materials utilized, production of goods to always be looking at ways to improve methods and grow a larger market. This will spark growth in leadership (hopefully with promotions), initiative from current peers and employees, and enhance business objectives, goals, or the business model to be successful. This will also help to pivot, when there are changes amongst the business’s leadership, structure, or business model.

Lastly, everyone at the company will know what is expected of them and will hold each other accountable, as well as build each other up to achieve greatness. There are infinite ways to use these One Minute techniques in Management Principles. You just must discover how it will work for you.

Best of luck!

