How To Win Customer Trust (35 Ways)

Raúl Sánchez Gilo
5 min readOct 22, 2019
How to win customer trust

There are concepts that never change in the world of sales, and one of them is the importance of building and gaining customer trust.

The trust factor is still a main key to sell more and build customer loyalty. It is also essential in closing operations beyond the price.

Although the means and the ways change with the latest technologies, it is necessary to retake the trust factor in the commercial activities and in the relationship with our customers.

You must earn the trust and respect of your potential customer, before they become your customer.

For this, here you can find 35 ways to earn your customers’ trust, in the hope that it will be useful for your sales and business activities:

1. Business relationships are based on trust. Focus on building a personal relationship with your potential customers before trying to close a sale.

2. Focus on understanding your customers and discover their needs, motivations and desires.

3. Don’t talk about yourself and your product or service first. The priority is the problems and challenges of the client. To earn their trust, show genuine interest in your customer’s success, not your own.

4. You must be an expert seller and a leader in your sector to build trust. Know the buyer’s industry, business problems and how to solve them.

5. Get referred by someone the buyer trusts. Connect with strategic references who can recommend you.

6. Use testimonials from satisfied customers, customers who have bought from you and who claim they would buy from you again.

7. Listen! The client wants to feel always heard. Practice active listening.

8. Provide useful advice. Add value proactively, give to receive.

9. If they are not ready to buy today, don’t lose interest in them. Add value to the prospect and generate a good experience even if they don’t buy today.

10. Help your client identify the real problem, diagnose the impact of solving it and help them make better decisions in the shortest possible time.

11. Fulfill your promises and their expectations. Be honest, generate realistic expectations, and try to overcome them after closing.

12. Try to see things from the point of view of your clients, with empathy. Look through their eyes!

13. Try to give a superservice, not sell a superproduct. Providing a great service, whether they buy or not, is a way to build trust.

14. Use persuasive stories to engage your clients. Their level of attention and commitment increases if the story is related to them.

15. Do not lower your prices at first. That not only reduces your value, but also the customer trust.

Value vs Price

16. Use the latest tools of social selling, content marketing, lead nurturing, branding, etc., which are means of increasing the trust of the client in our option.

17. Direct your customer through your sales process. Don’t leave them lost in the middle, waiting for a call, action or not knowing what to do.

18. Do not try to manipulate customer behavior. It’s about convincing and persuading, not manipulating or imposing.

19. Control your non-verbal communication. Avoid unnecessary and negative gestures or an inappropriate tone of voice. And remember to smile!

20. Make the buying experience easy and enjoyable from the beginning. Invest in a good Customer Experience

21. Reduce the psychological costs and associated insecurities perceived by the client of our product.

22. Believe in yourself and your product. Positive attitude builds trust.

23. Availability. Remind them that you are available when they need it and make it easy for them to contact you in all possible ways and channels.

24. Be transparent and honest. Be sincere about what you can do and what you cannot do for the client (No small print!)

25. Always prepare and plan meetings with your client, without improvising. Research the potential buyer to communicate effectively and gain their trust.

26. Don’t use the pressure. Customers do not like to be sold to, and will buy when ready for it.

Don’t use the pressure

27. Look for solutions adapted to the particular case of your client. Each client must feel unique and special to trust you.

28. Your words and actions must go in the same direction. Confidence is perfected by our actions, rather than by our words.

29. Avoid mistakes. And if they happen, don’t hide them, respond to any incident quickly, apologize and solve the problem as soon as possible.

30. Never try to sell something the customer doesn’t really need.

31. Show that you understand the buyer and try to connect through common interests.

32. Respect the client, their time and their goals. If you don’t respect them, you won’t be worthy of their trust.

33. Ask questions that show interest in their business, not in making a sale.

34. Remember: Trust is earned over time (You don’t usually marry the girl the day you meet her)

35. Keep learning! Customers and the market change, you must continually adapt and train yourself to maintain their confidence.

Keep Learning!

In short, trust is one of the elements of the eternal equation for success in selling, one of those that will never go out of fashion and it remains more current than ever.

Customers don’t buy from people they don’t trust.

Do I need to tell you more?

Find out more principles for selling more and succeed selling (51 Sales Tips)

