Warhammer Underworlds Stuttgart Tabletop Community / Spiel-Gruppe

This is a public representation of the game community / Spiel-Gruppe for Warhammer Underworlds in the Stuttgart region in Baden-Württemberg, Germany / Deutschland. We mostly play in Stuttgart and Esslingen, but there are also other venues and tabletop communities nearby.

We’re around 14 active players and organize regular events like leagues and tournaments. If you’re interested in joining these events or playing locally, please get in touch! New, returning, and experienced players are all welcome, we will also teach you the game. We mostly play using the Nemesis format. We speak German and English.

You can write to Borni directly via Mail or on Discord (raumzeit77).


Discord Servers

Planned Events

Ongoing Events

Past Events



R77 on Board Gaming and Miniatures

Posts mostly focused on playing the board game Warhammer Underworlds in the South of Germany.