I Am Enjoying Being Beautiful

Raven Braselton
2 min readNov 18, 2019

I Am Enjoying Being Beautiful

I am enjoying being so beautiful!

You see, I do not know how I can see, or hear, or taste, or smell, or feel, or talk, or emote, or breathe. Oh my Goddess, each one of these qualities is a world unto itself and as I experience them all together, I experience my life!

So when I feel deeply into myself, I can feel that there is a part of Goddess God that is doing all those things for me, creating me, seeing through my eyes for me, making and hearing the music for me, tasting the pear is sensual and erotic, so many exquisite wondrous smells, the plethora of sensations that touches my skin, these words that are flowing from my mouth, emoting tears of joy and laughter streaming down my face, creating the air that is filling my lungs, moment by moment!

I can feel Goddess God loving all of it so sweetly.

And when I silence my mind, open to Love and feel even deeper, I can feel the joy that Goddess God is receiving from doing those things for me,

Because it is from my perspective.

I am so unique!

She is getting to see Her world through my eyes, experience His world through my senses!

I am so beautiful!

I am feeling how much Love Goddess God is getting out of doing me and at the same time, giving me life, my life to be a new part of Her, and at the same time, a whole new Me.

What a dance we are dancing!

It is Love dancing!

I am a part of Love blossoming!

I am enjoying being beautiful!



Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so! https://www.growingbiginlove.com