Raven Braselton
9 min readDec 3, 2019


Pain is the opposite of Love, in some ways the antithesis of Love. In truth, pain for most people is the scariest subject on the planet, and yet if we can grow big in Love, we will learn to see pain as the guide to learning how to get bigger in Love. It is the motivator, the energy that gets an innocent being to move, and the teacher of what unloving beliefs do. And this is where it gets scary, because Pain is the driving force behind Love Reversals and Love Reversal Loops.

Let us make a short study of pain so we can utilize its benefits and hopefully avoid some of the feelings and experiences it produces in us.

There are many definitions of pain. Here are a two:

  • Merriam-Webster: a localized or generalized unpleasant bodily sensation or complex sensations that causes mild to severe physical discomfort and emotional distress and typically results from bodily disorder (such as injury or disease)
  • Cambridge: A bad or unpleasant physical feeling, often caused by injury or illness, that you want to stop, or an emotional feeling of this type: Your whole perspective on life changes when you’re in pain.

If we go from here to the scientific idea of pain, we could write a small book that includes information about microscopic pain receptors and neurons, electrical impulses and chemical messengers. You can look up the scientific explanation of pain on your computer if you wish. Scientists have discovered a lot about how pain works in the body, and although a lot of it is complicated, some of it is helpful.

These are the explanations the world has come up with so far. But what is pain metaphysically? On a metaphysical level, pain is caused by our experiences of two concepts: fear and hate.

Pain is the hurt that follows the appearance of the loss of Love, which is expressed in either fear or the decision to move away from Love, which is hate.

Fear — a painful emotion experienced when a person perceives the threat of danger or when she can’t get what she direly wants or needs

Hate — extreme dislike for someone or something

Fear and hate are feelings or types of pain that people feel in their hearts. If a person feels pain in their heart for extended amounts of time, then they will start to feel physical pain — the spiritual, mental, and emotional pain becoming physical. This is how most disease is created.

Some days ago, I saw a two-year-old in an ice cream store go into a screaming rage that was so intense she looked like her soul was burning! She was so loud! Her body went from normal to pure red in seconds. It was so intense that it made everyone in the store visibly uncomfortable. She almost looked like an alien, her little body contorted so much. How could not getting the ice cream she wanted cause such rage in a tiny child?

From my experience with helping people heal their deepest pain, I could see that that child was a big soul carrying pain from a past life that she had brought into this one. It was obvious to me that it had to do with her losing something that was very dear to her, so in her new little body, every time she experiences any loss, it triggers the memory of her deep pain or loss. She has come here again to try and heal it. May her parents have the fortitude to feel her pain and help her heal.

Why do we have to experience loss? When a person feels the pain of loss, for example, sometimes it feels like our hearts are being ripped apart from our souls and even death will not bring peace to the deep pain we feel. When we experience that level of heart-wrenching despair, there is not anything about life that feels good, Loving, helpful, or just. We want to die and wish we had never lived so we wouldn’t have to feel such pain.

In my experience, I have rarely met a person who has not experienced some measure of deep pain in this life or a past life.

Fortunately for us, we are stepping into a whole New Age because now we have the knowledge of how to grow in Love and to heal pain to the extent that we can Master focusing on Love every minute of every day, and heal almost any and every disease, if we are up to doing the work. With this new knowledge, we can now understand and heal our deepest pain and sorrows.

Did you know that creating and feeling Love is free for the taking? You can grow as big as you want in Love if you simply learn how. Can you imagine what your life would feel like if you were able to create any of the qualities of Love any time you want?

You can learn and Master the Love Tools in about two to five months. They are designed to be integrated into your daily life. The Love Tools are the Loving Smile, Love Time, Loving Sounds, Loving Questions, Loving Meditation, Gliding, and Shining. I have shared three tools with you through Medium post (the hyperlinked Tools above) so far, and I may get to the rest as time allows. The most important thing to understand about being able to Master the Tools is this: soon after you start making Love Time part of your life, you will have to spend time daily on healing the pain that the Love brings to the surface, so to speak. You see, when you grow in Love, the Love is a contradiction to the pain you have within you, and therefore, as you grow in Love, you see and feel the painful part of your life more. If you actively spend time daily (we recommend thirty to forty minutes a day, four or five days a week) healing your pain, then not only does the pain go away, but it allows more room in your life for you to get bigger in Love. THE BENEFITS ARE SUBSTANTIAL! If you try to grow in Love without healing your pain, you will not be able to grow very much.

Your pain can be healed my learning to use the Love Healing Process:

1. Grow in Love more everyday so you become bigger than your pain.

2. Understand that the unloving beliefs and Love Reversals are not true.

3. Heal the trauma that caused the belief.

4. Release the pain that you could not release because you thought the unloving beliefs were true.

5. Change the habits caused by the unloving beliefs by developing Loving habits.

The Love Healing Process has three Stages. It is a complex Process, so in order to learn it you will want to read it, learn it, and then use it daily. In order to heal your pain, you will have to dedicate time four or five days a week to engaging the Love Healing Process, and this process can be used to heal almost any disease.

If you take on this challenge to Master growing Big in Love every day, and if you spend the time needed to do the Love Healing Process to heal your pain, you will be actively creating a whole new way to live as a human. In four to twelve years, you will be able to heal most if not all of your pain. You will be able to grow so big in Love that your life will literally be living Heaven on Earth. You will be one of the first to fully integrate the experience of being human. It takes a lot of work and dedication, but the benefits are off the chart. It is possibly the most incredible thing you can do for yourself.

Through using the Process, you will learn to: heal a belief and the trauma that created that belief, release the pain that that belief was holding in your body, and then heal the habit that that belief created in you. Generally, you can heal one belief every week or two. Every belief and corresponding habit that you heal leaves you with incredible gifts. Here is a list of some of the benefits:

  • The ability to understand your pain and the wisdom that comes from that understanding
  • The ability to Love yourself in ways never dreamed of before
  • The ability to communicate with Goddess God/your guides/the Divine or whatever you believe, wholly, effortlessly, and as easily as talking to your loved ones
  • The ability to be a master of playfulness, laughter, and the awareness of wonder
  • The ability to live your life disease-free
  • The ability to attract loving and like-minded people
  • The ability to create and grow amazingly deep intimate relationships
  • The ability to be sensuous and sexual for hours at a time
  • The ability to enjoy every bite of every meal as an almost sexual experience
  • Many will gain the capability to develop any or all of the following abilities at varying degrees of clarity:
  • Clairsentience — the ability to feel the spiritual energy, the Love, and the pain of other people, animals, places, and/or our planet
  • Clairaudience — the ability to spiritually communicate with those on the other side, like ghosts, people who have crossed over, your own guides/angels/Goddess God, other people’s guides, etc.
  • Clairvoyance — the ability to spiritually see the other side, visions, other people’s and/or animal’s energy or auras, places, and/or our planet’s energy
  • Intuition — the awareness of what is right for you and possibly others and our planet
  • If you are psychic, your abilities will become clearer, bigger, and more tuned into the Divine.
  • You will come to enjoy a state of peace with money, business, and earning a living — so much so that you will Love whatever it is that you do, or you find to do to achieve the abundance that is yours. (Our planet is abundant, and Mother Earth/Goddess God wants you to grow into that abundance.)
  • You will come to enjoy a state of peace with time. One of the by-products of growing in Love and healing more and more every day is that you become naturally aware of how you are spending your time, and you’ll find yourself choosing the Loving path/experience which makes your time warm, loving, and juicy!
  • You will come to absolutely Love and enjoy serving.
  • If you drive, driving will become a joy, even in traffic.
  • You will find that the Divine will support you in amazing, miraculous ways.

As we said, this is just a short list because every time you open yourself to heal one unloving belief and the habit that goes with it completely, you will then know what is true with regard to that subject for you. You will be stronger, wiser, happier, and healthier than you have ever been before, and you will be stronger in Love.

You get all that from learning to master growing Big in Love and engaging into healing one unloving belief at a time. When you heal one belief completely, you make it possible for everyone around the world to heal that belief more easily. You can watch your immediate family change as a byproduct of you healing and growing from eliminating that one unloving belief. What a joy that is! Every time you heal one unloving belief completely, you make it easier to heal your next unloving belief. With each healed belief you become stronger, smarter, and more Loving, and you can continue to use the same healing process over and over again, thus ending up with all the gifts on the list above.

Come join me in this wondrous practice to Master growing Big in Love and healing your pain. Help us change the whole idea of the American Dream. Let’s change the old habit of trying to acquire the biggest house and the fastest car, to seeing who can become the strongest, most loving, powerful and wisest humans on the planet. Let’s embrace serving and work together to make our planet become the Heaven on Earth it is intended for. If you would like to read more about this, please go to my site.



Raven Braselton

Teaching people to grow big in Love and to heal all that keeps them from doing so! https://www.growingbiginlove.com