Food for Ravens
3 min readMay 16, 2023

The Cat and the Snake

Cat fights snake

Splodges was a farm-cat.

A coat of white with smears of black.

Adored by his owner, sleek and fat.

One day he ne’er came back.

I saw it — it was by the gate!

He happened upon a great brown snake.

They fought an instant — the serpent’s fate

Was death. But Splodges’ one mistake

Sent him fleeing through the fields,

As venom breached his feline shields

And weakness that its poison yields

Came creeping t’ward the kill

An age he writhed in torment deep

‘midst lack of food and lack of sleep

Stricken in far-off field of sheep.

With no-one there to weep.

Then visions danced before his eyes

Of possums gliding in the skies

With strange, inarticulate cries

Remote and clear and wise

A whisker twitched, and twitched again

Splodges held his final breath, and then

As possums swooped past his death-den,

A claw lashed from the fen.

See! up into the misty air,

Our cat is carried from his lair,

With eyes rolled back in death’s despair

But claws in the possum’s hair.

Oh skies above! And skies below!

This tale passes the lands we know

And reaches far beyond our woe

With kitty cat in tow

Upon a cloud he found himself-

Mysteriously restored to health

For his final act in cunning stealth

Had angered Hroth himself!

Hroth the mighty! Hroth the spry!

Greatest possum in the sky!

Ruling the kingdom of Aeptenpeii

Where mortals may not fly.

For such a crime the cat had done,

A sentence grim was passed and won

Splodges must live and see no one-

Forever near the sun.

And so he lay upon the cloud

Or paced or stretched or mewed aloud

Hungry, ragged, but still proud,

Imprisoned but not cowed.

A chance he had, small and slight

It might not work — but then, it might

For just then, breaking through the white

There came a flying kite!

He seized the kite, he grasped the string.

And clawed down through the mist so thin.

Passing through the thunder grim.

Until the ground was clear to him.

He’d have to jump — and it was far

Down to the ants that looked like cars

He hated water — but by his stars

It would leave less scars.

Then! Deep below, our kitten heard

Besides the frogs and wheeling birds,

It’s owner calling in sweet words

That yummy food was served

And so he jumped! And so he fell!

Towards the farm he knew so well.

Above him boomed Hroth’s fearful bell!

Below I cannot tell.

A mighty splish! A mighty splash!

Was better than a tragic crash!

So kitty made the final dash!

Wet and thin and rash

The possums were quick, but quicker he sped

(so fast the water off him fled)

At last, hungry, escaped from dread,

He reached his owner’s bed.

“Oh Splodges! you permuffy cat!”

How could you frighten us like that!

You’re thinner than a starving rat!

But here. I’m glad of that!”
