A letter to (Mark) Zuckerberg

Market domination plan (lol my inner villain)

Ravensley Rene
2 min readJun 5, 2014

While deleting some old messages on my Facebook, I found a message I sent a while ago to Mark Zuckerberg about this idea I had for the development of Facebook. I don’t know if he did ever see it or not, but now I’m reading it again, I sure did sound like a comic book villain.All it was missing was the villain laugh (mWUAHAHAHA) lol, oh how this made me chuckle. Well, here it is, just for laughs.

‘‘Hello sir,I had this idea I wanted to share with you ,things that’ll make Facebook better/greater ,kinda a new business strategy for the development of Facebook ,a new way to attract business and people,i was thinking for facebook video you guys should add views(especially for the pages), with all these new video apps(vines and insta) and icons(famous people, business), people who are you using videos to promote their business ,hobbies well things they love,people who are looking for more views or want to know who is looking at their videos ,customers,well social networks is the best way to find people, like a lot of others, used social networks to get traffic (marketing’s, advertising) well how about we cut the middle man, and go in the business for yourself, like we already have likes and share ,views will be a great addition to the family,,think about it now artist will use facebook to promote their songs or movies and FB will tell them if their videos are a hit (instead of going on Youtube to know how many people view their videos, like they already have an official page, with view facebook will give the competitions a run for their money, we’ might even take over this part of the market.”

