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Why Winning in Life is Just Probability

Success is Only a Matter of Time

3 min readApr 1, 2024


I have said this in my earlier articles and I will say it again.

The only thing separating you from your goals is action.

How can I say this with utmost certainty? Here’s how.

Bull’s Eye

Say I repeatedly throw darts on a dart board. Simplifying everything and assuming my probability of hitting the bull’s eye is 1 in 100, if I throw 100 darts, 1 of them will hit the bull’s eye.

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Success follows the same procedure.

If you keep aiming towards your goals and you keep taking action every day, it’s only a matter of time before you hit the bull’s eye.

For example, if you are a writer who posts 100 articles in 100 days, 1 of your articles will become viral (most likely more than 1). It’s just that we don't know which one. It may be the 1st, the 45th, or the 100th.

So the point is to keep taking action. It’s only a matter of time.

But what’s more interesting is that you can increase your probability.

How To Increase Your Chances of Winning

With consistent action and practice, your ability to perform a task increases.

If you show up every day to throw darts, your expertise at throwing darts will slowly increase until you can confidently hit a bull’s eye 9 out of 10 times. Maybe even 10.

Hence, the more you show up, the more you learn, and the bigger your repertoire gets, the easier it gets to hit the bull’s eye each time. Because now you know what works and what doesn't. You can only learn this by taking action and learning from your mistakes.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Say, your probability of achieving a big fan following and monetizing it to leave your 9 to 5 is 5%. The more you indulge in the process that will get you there, the better you understand your craft's ins and outs, improving your skillsets and hence, your probability.

With a wider skill set (that is only achieved through action), your performance gets better, and so does your probability of hitting your goals faster.

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