The Sigiriya - A world heritage site

The eighth wonder of the world!

2 min readMay 25, 2020

Sigiriya is considered as the first fortress of its proud history.
Sigiriya is one of the eight world heritage sites in Sri Lanka. UNESCO has also been declared it as the eighth wonder of the world.

picture  of  sigiriya  rock  fortress
Sigiriya rock fortress- Photo by Yves Alarie on Unsplash

Location of Sigiriya: City of Dambulla in the Central province of Sri Lanka.

Distance from Colombo: 180 km

Distance from Bandaranayake international airport: 146 km

Sri Lanka is well known for its amazing technological background which ran back to thousands of years back. Sigiriya is great evidence to prove it.

The breathtaking water gardens, fountain gardens, miniature water gardens, terrace gardens, sky palace, and mirror wall are just a few among many more other components in this amazing creation which are evidence to the excellent water management system, architectural and the creative urban planning.

Sigiri graffiti and frescos bring forth the artistry of ancestors of the country.

The fabulous 360-degree view adds a seamless exposure to enjoy nature while giving a strategic position to the fortress.

According to chronicles, it is said that Sigiriya was built by King Kashyapa the first. But according to legend, it is believed that Sigiriya was the palace of King Ravana.

Other names for sigiriya: Sinha giri (Lion Rock)

If you visit Sigiriya, you can also visit Sigiriya Archeological can grab much information from there.

In addition, you can visit nearby places such as Pidurangala rock, Dambulla golden cave temple, Minneriya National park, Kawdulla national park and also you can easily reach to visit the many other places including the kingdom of Anuradhapura, the kingdom of Polonnaruwa, and Kandy.

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