Installation of RedHat-8 on Oracal Virtual Box.

Ravindra Goli
8 min readJul 24, 2020


Oracle VM VirtualBox is a cross-platform virtualization application. What does that mean? For one thing, it installs on your existing Intel or AMD-based computers, whether they are running Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or Oracle Solaris operating systems (OSes). Secondly, it extends the capabilities of your existing computer so that it can run multiple OSes, inside multiple virtual machines, at the same time. As an example, you can run Windows and Linux on your Mac, run Windows Server 2016 on your Linux server, run Linux on your Windows PC, and so on, all alongside your existing applications. You can install and run as many virtual machines as you like. The only practical limits are disk space and memory.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform, now optimized for development. With new developer-centric features like container tools, advanced language support, and application streams, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL) is the most developer friendly Linux ever.

for installing any OS on the top of the virtual box first we have to download and install the oracle virtual box.

Here is the link to downloading & install Oracle Virtual Box.

After the successful installation of the Virtual Box now we can start creating the virtual machine. for creating any virtual OS we required ISO file of a particular OS.

So here we are going to install RHEL-8 on the top of Oracle Virtual Box.

for that, we required iso file of RedHat-8

here is the link for the download ISO file. or you can download ISO file on the official RedHat website.

Now open the virtual box & click on the new icon.

After clicking on a new icon one popup comes… In that, we have to select the type of OS & version. and give any name to OS. after that click on next.

After that, we have to select the amount of memory(RAM). I have given 2GB of RAM to this, I suggest you should also give minimum of 2GB RAM.

After that choose “Create virtual Hard disk now” & click on create option.

Now we have to choose the hard disk file type, select the first option i.e. VDI(Virtual Disk Image). and click on Next…

Now we have to select the type of storage on the physical hard disk. Select the “Dynamically allocated” option. and click on the next icon…

After selecting RAM we have to give Hard Disk for VM. I gave 50 GB of Hard Disk to this VM. you can give Hardisk as per your use. and click on the Create icon.

Now the basic part is completed. Go to settings…

In Settings click on 2nd option i.e. System, in that select processor as 2 CPU so that OS works smoothly.

After that go to the fourth option i.e. Storage and choose disk file i.e. iso file.

After that go to the sixth option i.e. Network & enable Network adapter and attach to Bridge Adepter. and click ok.

Now real installation process starts. click on start…

Select the ISO image as a start-up disk. and click on start…

Click enter on “Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0.0"

Now select Language whichever you want and click on continue…

Now, this type of Window comes first select the Time & date as per your location.

Now move to Software Selection, click on the software selection option…

Choose the Workstation an click on done.

Now move to Installation Destinatin…

Choose sda disk if in your system shows 2 storage option 1) sda 2)sdb always select first one i.e. sda. and click on done…

There is a KDUMP option which is initially enabled & which consumes storage, so we have disable that so click on KDUMP…

Just disable and click on done.

Now move to Network & host Name…

Turn on Ethernet(eno0s3) and click on Done..

Now click on Being installation…

we have to set a Root password so that we can use root power…

If your password is not strong then you have to click on done 2 times.

Also, User creation required, so create User…

For installing it will take 20 to 30 min depending upon Your system RAM & Processor.

After successfully complete installation you can see the Reboot option. just click on the reboot option…

Now you will see the above-shown screen, then you have to exit from this means turn off the machine.

Now again go to setting…

In the setting go to systems in systems click on the motherboard, you will see boot order just drag up the Hard Disk option. and click ok.

Now start your RedHat-8 VM…

Now you have to accept the license agreement… just accept and click on Done.

Now click on Finish Configuration..

Now choose to Not listed option…

Enter username as root

Enter your root password & sign in

Choose language & click on next…

Now if you want to login to google account or any other account you can log in now or you can skip now and log in afterwards also..

Now click on start using RedHat Enterprise linux.

Now you are ready to use you RHEL-8 VM

If you are Command-Line User then you have to configure yum for installation

Here is the process of yum configuration:

first, open the Terminal:

& then go to etc/yum.repos.d/ location & create a file with any name but the extension should be .repo

In RedHat-8 software located in two folders 1) AppStream 2) BaseOS . so we have to give the location of these 2 folders.


baseurl file:///run/media/root/RHEL-8–0–0-Base05s-x86 64/AppStream



baseurl-file:///run/media/root/RHEL 8.0–0-Baseos nG 64/Baseos


Done your yum is now Configured. now we can check using yum repolist command.

Thank You

